View Full Version : the anxiety cure

09-07-06, 04:46
hi every one im recoverying by using the claire weekes method.i first bought her book self help for your nerves and started inproving but then i stopped recovering.i found a website www.panicfree.co.nz where a guy has put a programme together which incorporsates all her books into one.you see all her books contain additional info which is needed for you to recover.her books really work you just need all the info.check the website out i promise it will cure you.

john j. mcgreal

Will Loynes
09-07-06, 08:23
Thank you John, I will check out that site!
I have read claire weekes book 'self help for your nerves' and have found some of it very usefull.
Good luck with your continued recovery.

Will [^]

09-07-06, 10:17
Thanks i will take a look.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

09-07-06, 11:31
Hi John,

Had a read at some of the testimonials and it does sound good.




10-07-06, 03:52
Why does everyone that claims they can cure us want money????

Don't believe everything you think.

10-07-06, 09:49

I just wanted to say that you shouldn't really post saying ' I promise it will cure you' because there isn't a so called cure and you are getting peoples hopes up by making false promises.


'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

10-07-06, 10:17
I agree with Tracey, what 'cures' one person doesn't always work for others.
I was once told that something would cure me and when it didn't I started to worry that there was something more serious wrong with me.

Take care



10-07-06, 14:45
I agree with Tracy and phil, if it's that good surley it should be inexpensive instead of nearly £100.00 and to post saying it will work gets peoples hopes up, beacause it works for you doesnt mean it will work for everyone.

I'm glad it is working for you though and good luck.


11-07-06, 01:47
hi the programme is expensive because david johnson only has a small clinc in new zealand.he is his only employer.it can cure you it explains everything about anxiety.its curing me.ya there are a lot of phoney cures such as the linden method which dont actually cure you, but the claire weekes method is a genuine cure.im getting your hopes up because its true.the claire weekes method is the only method that works.when i say works i mean that cures you.by the way it costs 100 euro i dont know how much it costs in pounds and you can download it for 50 euro.it really does cure you.ive been recovering now for the past 3 months and im nearly fully recovered.trust me.


11-07-06, 02:44
Why not just buy the book instead?

Don't believe everything you think.

Two heads
11-07-06, 10:09
Thanks john will have a lookxxxxxx

11-07-06, 14:20
hi jullip the reason that im telling people about the website is because the books for most people arent good enough.claire weekes wrote 5 or 6 books on anxiety which all contain additional information which you need to recover.that is why many people who read her books never recover although they may improve.i myself bought self help for your nerves, peace from nervous suffering and hope and help for your nerves.its hard to try and put all the information together.also its hard to ask a book a question.where as you can ring up panicfree any time and ask questions about the method.the programme from panicfree is also thorough and covers everything you need to know.if you follow the programme correctly recovery is inevitable.


12-07-06, 11:32
Personally I found will's doyoupanic.co.uk website very useful. Regarldess of what these 'cures' provide, it is down to the individual to stop secondary thoughts.

Will's website contains all that you need to know. The journals are a welcome addition too. Plus he answers queries via e-mail.

Why is it that these cures are so good that people advertise them but do not reveal what this maic cure is? being a fellow suffer if I had a cure I would tell the world for free!


12-07-06, 12:44
there are no "magic" cures for anxiety - it is down to each individual.

if this was the case and the cure can be found on a website then surely the psychiatric team at mental health hospitals would refer everyone on to this guys site - please please do not give people false hopes.

each and everyone is unique and anxiety affects us all differently.

I wish you well in your recovery plan.


........life is for living not just for surviving

12-07-06, 21:33
Yhe reason they advertise without revealing anything is cause they wanna get your money BEFORE you find out iits the same old thing put a different way I downloaded a couple of the samples and was very unimpressed

Don't believe everything you think.

12-07-06, 21:47
ROb - I like your thinking - I too would scream it from the roof tops if I had a surefire cure.

We will all find our way - of that Im sure and it maybe we need to take different pieces of info from different places to help us get there. Last time for me, it was once sentence from one Doc that actually enabled me to cope and then recover. Nothing extraordinary, nothing I hadnt heard a million times before, just said in a way that I could understand and relate to. (Am hoping for this again this time round!)

I personally think that asking for money to help with this hell of an 'illness' we have is cruel - from any source; be it therapists, books, websites etc.

If anyone does have a genuine magic wand - please remember me!

Take care and have a good day every day

Julie x

13-07-06, 16:03
yes it is up to the individual to cure themselves by applying the claire weekes method properly.the cliare weekes method is the only method around that im aware of anyway that can cure people.it explains everything about anxiety.i wish i could give you all the information now to help cure you but its just not possible.


13-07-06, 16:11
julie, rob that is exactly why im on this website i want to shout it from the roof tops.ill give ye a brief summary of the claire weekes method.you are currently sustaining your anxiety by tensing and thinking panicky thoughts.when you feel your nervous sensations such as your heart beating fast or stomach churning etc instead of tensing against them just let your muscles sag, let your shoulders, arms and stomach sag.also let your mind and body float like on a cloud.this also helps ease tension.by mentally floating you put your mind into neutral.there is a lot more than this though.the four principles are facing accepting floating and letting time pass.


13-07-06, 16:16
the claire weekes method should be used in places such as psychiatric hospitals.but unfortunately its not.although a lot of doctors do recommend it.if ye think i am talking a load of rubbish just read a few customer reviews about her books on amazon.


13-07-06, 16:52
hi guys, in reply to this thread i would just like to remind everyone about the book that i got 4 years ago(maybe 5 now) from usa which cost the price of a normal book plus shipping, so around £16. but also my husband mark printed the whole lot off at work when he was on nights and put it in a ringbinder, and that was completely free and in my opinion this doctor is more up to date than c. weekes.

you can also find him on amazon.com (you would probably have to get it from the states) and at healthyplace.com, just enter in the name R REID WILSON

no promises of a cure as there is'nt one, but this book has helped me more than any meds or councillers or doctors or family members or anyone!!!! give it a go as he says 'if everything you've tried is'nt working, TRY EVERYTHING ELSE!'
you have to give everything a go because you never know!!!


14-07-06, 00:16
sorry emma but i disagree there is a cure for anxiety.i have been recovering for the last few months.and the difference between me now and before i started is amazing.i know that i will be fully recovered soon.


14-07-06, 00:32
All the techniques mentioned in the method are the basics we all already know and are available free anywhere.
I too have made great progress and have held down a very stressful job in Real estate for the last 2 years without "the method" so I'm sorry but you won't convert me

Don't believe everything you think.

14-07-06, 00:41
I've just had a look at that website and he makes mention of Claire Weekes just once (i.e. he read her work) and the word "cure" does not appear anywhere.

The pressing question for me is that surely someone can't take various works by an author and rehash them into a "course" and make money from it? Isn't that plaigiarism?

Don't get me wrong - I'm a big Claire Weekes fan but many here on the site are already very familiar with her methods and are making good use of them (for free).

Eeb x

14-07-06, 08:11
Hi Jon

I also have 2 of Claire's books, but personally find these not enough at the moment. I do agree they are very good, but I think we need to use our words very carefully - the word 'cure' springs up soo much hope and the last thing people need is to be let down if it doesnt work for them, or to feel like a failure.

Im very glad Claire is working for you and pray we can all find something that will work for every single one of us.

Take care.

Good day to everyone.

Thanks, Julie

14-07-06, 21:48
hi julie your right i shouldnt be using the word cure but its curing me i feel enthusiastic about it like i have to tell everyone.i think that it can cure everyone from anxiety.


14-07-06, 21:55
hi eeb david johnson is a former sufferer of anxiety he fully recovered by using claire weekes method.he has done something very important by putting a programme together.all of claire weekes books contain additional information which is needed to fully recover on his programme you get everything as well as being able to speak to him on the phone when ever you want.ive spoken to him many times on the phone he once told me how he wanted to call it the claire weekes method but wasnt allowed to as her nieces or nephews wouldnt allow him.many people who read her books never recover as they dont have all the information, also you cant ask a book a question so it is difficult.


15-07-06, 00:08
Hi jon,

I understand. It's great to hear your enthusiasm - it's a real buzz when you feel yourself getting better isn't it? Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you continue to improve.

Eeb x

16-07-06, 16:50
hi once again id like to say sorry for giving false hope.because some people use the method and dont recover im giving false hope.but some people do fully recover by using claire weekes method.i think the question we have to ask ourselves is what are the people who recover by using the method do that is different to the people who do not recover.in my opinion its because all of claire weekes books contaion additional info.which is why ive been recommending the website.
