View Full Version : Any advice appreciated

16-05-12, 07:20
Hi, I am in what I have been told by my GP is a depressed condition. Through my life I have had 4 bouts of depression starting in my early 20's through to the present I'm now 45.
As time has gone by and the Internet has advanced it has become easy to go on liane and research my symptoms etc from doing this I think that I am suffering from anxiety and stress which in turn probably trigger the depression.
My symptoms are as follows, I have difficulty sleeping night sweats and nightmares waking after only a couple of hours and then not been able to get backto sleep.
Irrational and disturbing thoughts, for me this is the worst.
Fear of going crazy.
I have been put on a course of anti depressants, fluoxitine 20mg. I am 10 days in with taking them but think that my anxiety is getting worse I have been on anti depressants before and seem to remember that this happened before and that it passed after about 3/4 weeks.
Has anyone else experienced this and is the increased anxiety the medication getting into my system?
Any help advice would be appreciated.

16-05-12, 07:27
Hi Jimbo,

It's very common for your anxiety to rise when starting ADs. Stick it out and you should really see the benefits in a couple of weeks. You should be over the worst now after 10 days.

I know it's really hard at first but there are loads of people on here who've been through it (myself included on a different AD) so keep coming back for support when you're feeling at your worst.

There are quite a few active threads for your meds - join in a few.

Take care


16-05-12, 07:41
hi jimbo,

im also on a different ad (citalopram) but i think from what iv read that all these meds take while to settle down, im 4 weeks in and its only the last 2 days that my anxiety levels have dropped alot they were much worse before they got better , so stick with it for a good few weeks and im sure you will be glad you did.
good luck :hugs:

16-05-12, 07:58
Hi Jimbo,
I am 9 days into taking Amitriptyline, my anxiety is heightened when I go out and I am waking after a few hours sleep, other side effects too. I also take Mirtazapine.
I understand where you are coming from.

Hopefully you should start to feel better soon once your medication has stabalized.