View Full Version : Having a bad day

16-05-12, 11:37
this is the worst day I've had for ages. At the moment I'm trying not to dial 999.
Was woken up this morning with a weird sensation in my chest felt like someone had put ice in it! And have had bad shakes all day, dizziness, left eye going a bit blurry, leg muscles aching badly, pain down left arm, started to convince myself i must have parkinsons as I've never shook that bad before, have not gone into full panic but my anxiety is so high and i don't know why. I seem to get the symptoms first and that causes me to get anxious. do i have anything to worry about as i seem to get physical symptoms before the anxiety kicks in, i still think there must be something else causing this and that it can't be all down to anxiety!?!?

16-05-12, 12:45
Hi Wilkes - sounds like me last week... even on Monday I was much the same. Have had aches, pains, dizziness, headaches, blurriness, numbness - at one point I thought I was on the verge of having a stroke :wacko:! Today is the first day in a while that I can honestly say I'm starting to feel better (still have lots going on though). I sympathise but all I can advise is just try and carry on with normality as much as you can. It may not feel like it now but the symptoms will subside. Just try to keep calm (not easy I know). My symptoms cause my anxiety and like you I used to think (and still do at times) that something is wrong but when I think back to how bad I was last week.... well, I'm still here! Hope you feel better soon. xx

16-05-12, 12:54
Thanks meche, i was having that feeling like i was about to have a stroke too!!
just can't understand it at all, my anxiety is giving me symptoms from which I'm normally used to which is what concerns me and I've had anxiety for years.

16-05-12, 13:08
My anxiety was very sudden about 3 months ago and back then I shook, felt sick, had body spasms and all those other things I described but worse. I put myself through hell physically/mentally not knowing or understanding what was wrong. I think even when we feel less anxious emotionally our bodies take a while to 'spring' back into place. I know when I get a twinge somewhere my thoughts are immediately back to how bad I was months ago and I feel anxious because the thought of going through all that again fills me with dread. xx

16-05-12, 15:56
my symptoms can sometimes follow high anxiety/stress (have you been under stress if not anxiety?) though sometimes my symptoms come out of nowhere when i was feeling fine, happy even! for instance one day i had slurred speech out of nowhere and it made me so anxious as i was thinking 'i didn't have any anxiety before this? what if this isn't due to anxiety?!' but it was, and it passed. so it seems it doesn't matter if the stress/anxiety didn't come directly before the symptoms, it was still in the system from before making changes that ultimately lead to the symptoms, i hope you're feeling better soon Xx

16-05-12, 16:37
I get the thing with my speech as well. Not all the time but on occassions I feel like I'm slurring my words as though I've had too much to drink :wacko:! That symptom really scares me. I've started keeping a log of my symptoms because on certain days when I have a headache I also get neck/shoulder pain and an ache in my leg. On days when I feel just dizzy my right arm/shoulder aches. I've been told by both a masseur and my doctor that I have a very tense neck so I'm cetain it's all connected and I probably need to see a chiropractor. xx