View Full Version : Oh no i googled my lump! made things worse and im just so fed up of feeling like this

16-05-12, 13:32
Hi Guys

I no your probably all fed up of reading about this lump in my neck, but i went on the internet and just put in ''glands in neck behind chin'' just to see if it was a gland, anyway a forum came up of a woman who had one very similar to mine with a small collection of other tiny ones on her head, which i do there kind of like spots on my head?? iv had them before and they went but know they are back!

Anyway im at work at the minute, and i feel like i just want to cry :( im sick of thinking the worst about everything! why cant i just think its a gland and thats it!

Mine is pretty hard, if i push it, then it moves but its not squishy like a normal gland! i have a bite just near it so maybe its hard cause of that??

Sorry for moaning on :( just need some help :( xx

16-05-12, 13:36
Hi, I have one under my chin that I can feel. I first felt it when I had a couple of pimples along my jaw line, it came up and was rather hard. Now it is softer a few months later, but I can still feel it. I went to the doctor about a month ago, who said he could feel a bunch in my neck and I asked about lymphoma or other bad diseases. He said that if I had something serious, they would be really big and not move at all. I pointed out ones I thought were fixed and he said he could feel movement and they weren't worrisome.

The whole thing took less than a minute with him. Have you been checked out? It will definitely make you feel better.

16-05-12, 13:41
thank you for your reply :)
Did he say they would move sideways and things as mine only moves backwards? do you think if it was serious it would not move at all. i mean i keep playing with it which makes it bigger!

My anxiety subsided and i told myself i would stop running to the docs for every little thing, so i was hoping not to but i might have to :( i just feel like they will see my name and think oh great not again lol! xx

16-05-12, 14:56
Do try to relax, I know it's hard or near impossible when in a state of anxiety but it's this anxiety causing you to not think straight.

Glands are everywhere and swell up at the least infection, i.e a bite, cut or knock it's their job after all to ward off harm and are part of our immune system. 99.9% of the time it's normal to have a raised gland but you will probably worry about that .1% and should not, have faith that you are OK and stop prodding it and compounding your anxiety by making it swell.

Just force yourself to leave the bump alone and try to stop googling and hard as I know it is to do, distract yourself and the gland will just go down when it is finished doing it's job.

If your not happy in a week see your Doc and try to be reassured with what they say, you are fine but your anxiety is not letting you think this way.



16-05-12, 16:50
Thank you for that comment! you are sooo right! my rational mind says swollen gland, my anxiety says its cancer! so frustrating! i will leave it for now and try not to touch until the bite has gone see if it goes down.

thanks for the advice :) x

16-05-12, 17:02
Thank you for that comment! you are sooo right! my rational mind says swollen gland, my anxiety says its cancer! so frustrating! i will leave it for now and try not to touch until the bite has gone see if it goes down.

thanks for the advice :) x

honestly try not to worry. i have a swollen lymph node in my chest (likely after a bad chest infection i had) and it never went down again. i first freaked thinking it was a breast lump and got sent for an ultrasound, they said 'oh, its just a lymph node' and none of the medical team were concerned that it was big and had been that way for ages. i think it's only a concern if it keeps growing in size, since my friend once had a lymph node out because they were concerned about it, apparently it was the size of a kidney :| i don't think that was even due to anything sinister though, she's perfectly healthy today Xx

16-05-12, 17:04
was yours perfectly round? i think thats what worries me cause the glands you can clealy feel at the side of your neck are an odd shape, this is like a pea but bigger xx

16-05-12, 17:11
was yours perfectly round? i think thats what worries me cause the glands you can clealy feel at the side of your neck are an odd shape, this is like a pea but bigger xx

mine is like a peanut shell i'd say, and the nurses/doctors were all fine with it. i have another that swelled with infection too and never went down again, that's the size of a kidney bean. can you think of any infection that you've ever had around that area that could have swelled yours slightly? cause they only suspect cancer when there's no other cause (same with everything, that's why cancer comes up on so many searches) Xx

16-05-12, 17:13
i have a bit that is right next to it, maybe it could be that? i only noticed the lump cause of the bite x

16-05-12, 17:18
i have a bit that is right next to it, maybe it could be that? i only noticed the lump cause of the bite x

could be that indeed! glands/lymph nodes are responsible for everything. what swelled my other one was a bit of a skin infection that pretty much produced a giant spot/zit. so anything skin related can definitely swell them Xx

16-05-12, 17:22
thank you so much for your help :) this afternoon i felt like i just wanted to cry! Im going to try and leave it and im sure if its anything sinister it will get bigger by its self or something! dont want to get back in the habbit of running to my doc everytime somethings on my mind! x

16-05-12, 17:35
thank you so much for your help :) this afternoon i felt like i just wanted to cry! Im going to try and leave it and im sure if its anything sinister it will get bigger by its self or something! dont want to get back in the habbit of running to my doc everytime somethings on my mind! x

google is the devil i'll tell you that much. i've tested it by putting in a random symptom of something that i know is nothing serious (i.e i used to get sharp pains in my head a couple years ago, i still get them from time to time but hardly ever. anyway they're down to stress/being cold/drinking caffinne for me, it's a nerve thing, if i put a hat on they magically go away lol) but google directed me to some scary stuff :scared15: if i didn't know my triggers for them i would have been in tears thinking it was serious. google has had me in tears over so many things, all of which turned out to be minor when i saw the doctor. hold on to the fact that you do have a possible/likely explanation for your symptom, and that you do suffer health anxiety, and if it still bothers you in time i'm sure a doctor will be able to put your mind at rest Xx

16-05-12, 17:48
I agree, I used to google whatever I was worried about and always found the absolute worst thing it could be and zoned in on that.

I now make an effort to stay away from self diagnosis and leave that to my Doctor.

Helpful to make a list of the benefits of self diagnosis versus the negatives and act from there. You may trawl for hours on the internet heightening anxiety and for what? You still have to go to a Doctor for a real diagnosis so what good has your panicked research accomplished?


16-05-12, 17:55
I agree, I used to google whatever I was worried about and always found the absolute worst thing it could be and zoned in on that.

I now make an effort to stay away from self diagnosis and leave that to my Doctor.

Helpful to make a list of the benefits of self diagnosis versus the negatives and act from there. You may trawl for hours on the internet heightening anxiety and for what? You still have to go to a Doctor for a real diagnosis so what good has your panicked research accomplished?


so true, i keep having to remind myself i'm not medically trained and neither is google lol. and even if i'm putting symptoms in to reassure myself it's nothing serious, i too skip over all the explanations for it that would mean it was something minor, and zone in on the worst case scenario. health anxiety sufferer + google = nightmare Xx

17-05-12, 11:37
well that didnt last long! i went to the docs this morning! and what a waste of my time it was! he didnt even feel it, i told him about the bite and the lump and he just went ''ok looks like its going down now'' meaning the bite not the lump! well thanks for that lol!

anyway iv discovered that when i swallow the lump comes out and it moves, so im hoping thats a good sign :) xx

17-05-12, 13:12
Yes you are fine, if they thought even the slightest thing is wrong they send you off for tests, this did not happen. Take your doctors unconcern for your normal little gland and trust them.

So what if your little normal lump moves when you swallow:D lumps move all the time, people have lumps all over them that move and don't worry. Again it's the anxiety that we suffer that makes us over analyse these things that other people would shrug off as normal.

Trust your Doctor, take deep breaths and allow this wonderful news to sink in, your fine:yahoo:
Please do not go back to Google as you know this will not help.


17-05-12, 14:40
well that didnt last long! i went to the docs this morning! and what a waste of my time it was! he didnt even feel it, i told him about the bite and the lump and he just went ''ok looks like its going down now'' meaning the bite not the lump! well thanks for that lol!

anyway iv discovered that when i swallow the lump comes out and it moves, so im hoping thats a good sign :) xx

it can be so annoying when they don't even check, but i do agree with southey, the fact the doctor wasn't even concerned enough to examine it would mean it's nothing :hugs: i went to the doctor with slurred speech once and stuttering etc, it didn't even come on at a time i was anxious, i was terrified as to what it could be, she literally just said 'it's your anxiety' obviously didn't run any scans or anything, then a few days later it stopped lol so they do know what's a matter for concern and what's not. truth be told if things were anything sinister we'd have more symptoms, our bodies would really let us know. having said that panic attacks can cause a lot of symptoms and they're not anything bad at all, so sometimes we even get tricked! but it just goes to show that it's so much more likely than it's nothing or it's due to stress/anxiety Xx

17-05-12, 16:50
Hi guys! thanks again for you replies :)

feeling much better about things today! im sure i would feel better had the doc listened to my worries but hey ho!

I will try my very best not to touch! i know deep down its nothing as i was sat in the docs today feeling it thinking why am i even here when its hardly anything to complain about! i felt to silly! x

17-05-12, 16:55
i know deep down its nothing as i was sat in the docs today feeling it thinking why am i even here when its hardly anything to complain about! i felt to silly! x

i've had that too! lol there are times i've been worried sick about something then i get to the docs and just waiting to see them makes me realise it's no biggie, i'm glad you're feeling better today :hugs:

17-05-12, 17:03
thanks for your help, you've been so lovely! :) x