View Full Version : Dry eyes and mouth driving me crazy

16-05-12, 13:58
I have already posted but I'm so distressed right now....I'm awaiting blood test results for my extreme dry mouth and eyes...I think they suspect I have an autoimmune disease or sjogren syndrome as I've heard in doctor say...I made the mistake of googling this and now my anxiety has gone beyond control....

I'm so scared I've not eaten or slept for 3 days and have been unable to look after my children..

I really need some reassurance from people who understand or have had a similar experience..


16-05-12, 14:49
Anxiety symptoms.

16-05-12, 15:11
Thank you, but I've had anxiety for so long and it's never overtaken my life like this...I can't open my eyes for too long or talk because the dryness is affecting me so much...

Could anxiety really be the cause of this?

I'm wishing it is but I'm 100% sure in my heart it isnt

16-05-12, 15:36
It is. Your anxiety is worse so your symptoms are worse. It is a vicious cycle you need to break through acceptance, breathing properly and relaxation techniques.

16-05-12, 15:51
they usually check for the worst case scenarios, my aunt was checked for something and freaked out that she had it because that's what they were checking for, but they just wanted to rule it out, and she had something way more minor. i hope you get your results soon and you're relieved and able to tell yourself it's the anxiety playing up as it usually does, it's such a pain Xx

16-05-12, 16:00
Doctor just rang and told me that my blood count has come back normal but my specialist bloods have not come back yet...

I'm so worried now, I'm thinking that it's not something normal but serious jthats why everything basic they checked is okay...

Mouth and eyes are totally dry and nothing I'm using is helping...

I can't take much more of this

16-05-12, 16:04
Hi Guddymu

I really do know what your going through, been through it myself, Its so scary when it happens, and the more scared you get the worse it gets, I still get it, but mostly when i haven't eaten, i know its hard to try and eat what with all the panic and worry, and not feeling you have enough saliva to swallow anything. I used to eat soft things that would slip down without having to chew it. Antidepressants will dry your moth out to, I also get dry eyes usually at the end of the day, Here's a post i wrote quite a while ago, Hope it makes your feel a bit better knowing your not the only one whose had what you have, I never knew others had suffered the same which made me feel like i was going mad, but your not, and it will get better xxxxxxxxxx

i will post the link below this one (Its not letting me post on this one for some reason)

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------


16-05-12, 16:10
Doctor just rang and told me that my blood count has come back normal but my specialist bloods have not come back yet...

I'm so worried now, I'm thinking that it's not something normal but serious jthats why everything basic they checked is okay...

Mouth and eyes are totally dry and nothing I'm using is helping...

I can't take much more of this

i know how hard it is not to panic, but you're one blood test down and so far so good! the results of the specialist bloods could take a bit longer to come back because they're checking more extensively. it's probably a department thing and not personally related to your situation Xx

16-05-12, 16:12
Thank you so much for this, it means alot coming from someone I don't know.

Because I've not had much response I'm panicking even more thinking its not anxiety as most people have had either a dry mouth or dry eyes at some point not both. I'm constantly fighting to get some moisture in my eyes and mouth and cannot even sit in one place I'm so distressed. I'm grateful to you for kind words and hope you are right that's it is just anxiety and nothing serious.

If my results from my bloods come back clear I will feel like I have been given a new life as I have already let go...


16-05-12, 16:21
Your very welcome, I know what its like, I couldn't sleep or sit still, Its a horrible feeling, I thought i was going mad, never realised other people have had the same, Its a lot worse than the dry mouth you get with slight anxiety, It gets worse because that's all you can think about, and the more you think about it the the more you panic, so the worse it gets, but when your in that situation you can help it, and no matter what anyone says your so up tight with it all it just goes in one ear, and out the other xxxxxxx

16-05-12, 16:24
If my results from my bloods come back clear I will feel like I have been given a new life as I have already let go...


surely if it is a problem other than stress/anxiety it's something they can treat but i keep thinking if it was something bad you'd have symptoms other than dryness. i really hope you have your peace of mind soon, i know how horrible it is to worry and panic Xx

17-05-12, 01:56
Thank you from my heart for your reassurance and kind words, I read your link and it's sounds soooo true to what I'm feeling right now. It does help to know that I'm not going crazy sometimes.

I have te rest of my bloods to come so I hope I can get through this with a controlled mind.

Hope all is well take care

Guddymu x
Ps. I'm new to this posting so I apologize for not replying to each thread properly or for posting incorrectly..

---------- Post added at 01:56 ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 ----------

Hi I missnotworrying,

I hope you are right, ive driven myself to an extreme panc over the last few days...and have been very distressed.

It does feel warm to know someone out there understands and has taken the time and sentiment to try and help me....it means alot. Thank you.


17-05-12, 14:12
Your so welcome, when you think that your the only person who has ever had it, it feel 10 times worse, I was given mouth sprays, lozenges, you name it i had it, but nothing work, Its felt like my mouth was water proof, Like when you drip water on to a hot stone, and the water just drys up, I was so scared i was going to choke and wouldn't eat anything, which makes it a lot worse, I was even scared to drink even though that would of helped a bit, by not eating and drinking it makes it worse.(but when your in such a state you can't help it) When i did eat it would take me ages, What i did find that did help was to bite a piece of apple off and just keep it in my mouth without chewing it, even though i didn't want anything in my mouth it felt a lot worse when there wasn't anything in it. I suffer from panic attacks which mostly affects my breathing, Which isn't nice, but the dry mouth i think was a lot worse for me than the breathing thing i have, At the time i didn't thing my life would ever be the same again which made me panic even more, But it dose go, i get it occasionally, but nothing no where near as bad, and i know its stress, and i've had it before so i know it will go. I seen your post and knew how you were feeling and I'm really glad i have helped you some what, Mine started over 22 years ago when people didn't talk about things like this, even my Dr didn't understand, and the worst part of it was feeling like your the only person in the world feeling like you do, and thinking it will never get better, It will get better :yesyes: Hope your visit to the Dr's will make you feel even better xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-05-16, 19:17
Guddymu how are you doing? I'm going through a similar situation...