View Full Version : Is it really anxiety?

09-07-06, 10:09
I feel light headed and spacey most of the time. Normal things seem strange sometimes (dissasociation?). Is this really anxiety. Sometimes I think it is - others I think I might have some kind of tumour.

It scares me - feeding into my anxiety and making me worse.

Thanks Julie x

09-07-06, 10:27
It is definately anxiety so try not to think about illnesses and other things. Once you recognise its anxiety you can start taking small steps to help you control it. Have you seen your doctor?
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

09-07-06, 12:40
Hi Julie

Certainly sounds like classic anxiety symptoms. Have a look at the information here:

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-07-06, 13:56
hey julie, don't worry, i constantly feel like this. unrealness for me is the worst simptom and the one i have the hardest time coping with. i highly doubt anything is wrong with you, but if you're that worried get a check up. i've had and and ecg and a blood test and i constantly worry something is wrong with me or that something will happen, this is just a normal part of anxiety, and i think nearly all of us feel that way. hope ur ok, shell x.

09-07-06, 15:21
Thank you.

Karen - I have that link printed out and it has been read to death!!

Do you feel like this most of the day every day? I worry because it seems constant. I hear of people feeling dizzy now and then or spacey now and then.

Ive had blood tests recently which were fine. Have had a brain scan, heart scan, 24 hour ecg etc. etc..... last time I felt like this - but that was years ago and things change.

Im having CBT with a CPN once a week. I used to work in the field and have every handout, book, leaflet, web address etc you could imagine! - but still I feel like this

I often think I want there to be something physically wrong so that it can be fixed - isnt that mad?!?! I think if I believe it is anxiety, that nothing can be done and I'll be like this forever. At least with a broken bone you put a cast on it and its better a few weeks later.

Sorry to be so negative and miserable but its how I feel at the mo.

Thanks, Julie x

09-07-06, 21:27
Hia Julie
I went through a patch where i was going dizzy at the slightest movement or even jusy sitting and i would feel like i was going dizzy and all over the place and also the "out of it" and not quite with it part aswell.It does eventually pass i think its when we start to accept it ,it actually starts to get easier and dissapears.I understand what you mean by the broken bone and cast to fix it it would be wonderfull wouldnt it if we could just be given something to make it all go away.Unfortunately we have to work at getting better and its a hard battle but a worth while battle because we get our life back at the end of it:)
take care cheryl xx

emma chant
10-07-06, 15:56
Hi Julie,
Don't worry you've got anxiety.

e chant

10-07-06, 22:01
Thank you all.

Went for my weekly 3pm Monday session with my CPN today. After 2 weeks of being reasonably ok when i see her - I cracked again today. Didnt just cry a bit - I sobbed. i find it just too much to take sometimes. helpless, useless, weak, desparate, mad, foolish, sad and basically horrid.

My CPN told me in the middle of our session that she wants to refer me to a psychotherapist as (the way i percieve it) i need extra help that she cant provide. Apparently I need to find the source of my anxiety as opposed to managing it. She does want the best for me but I feel a bit down as i hoped my she would be enough - but no - im beyond that. I feel like a lost cause and its dipped any positivity I had.

Not sure how to take it. What if psychotherapy doesnt work? Then what? Has anyone been through this too?

Please tell me if you have.

Thank you.

Julie x

11-07-06, 09:17
Hia Julie :D
I personally think that that is positive,i think its great that you are going to get the proper help that you need to get to the bottom of your anxiety rather than just being able to manage it.When you get to the bottom of it then you will be able to deal with it and put it away so to speak.
You go through a mix of emotions and done beat yourself up about it,it happens to us all and because of the emotions you showed you are now going to get the help you need,whereas if you had put a brave face on you probably wouldnt of:)
take care cheryl xx

11-07-06, 14:10
hi julie i too feel the same as you...lightheaded and wobbly every day and it is an awful feeling i hate it with a passion...im sure something must be wrong but i too have had every test going...i feel no one understands and if they could feel this way for a little bit then they would realise how horrid it is...
i too often say if i broke a bone it would be fixed but with this i dont know when or if it will be fixed and go away so my life can carry on...
i start cbt soon i hope it works as im fighting off the doubts in my mind
the psychotherapy may help you as you may discover the root of youre anxiety which maybe you are unaware of...
good luck

11-07-06, 17:35

I think one of the harshest things about anxiety is that by it's nature we doubt if that is really what is wrong. I do it all the time, just keep reminding yourself that you know what it is, the doubt is part of it.

Hope we can start trusting ourselves! :)

take care

12-07-06, 07:59
Thank you.

I think deep down I know. I had a really good day yesterday. Only about an hour of hell and believe me it was hell. It was one of those I'm going mad and will never get better hours. Visions of being drugged and tied to a bed to calm me down!

My worst time is first thing in the mornings ie now! Feeling a bit shaky, jelly legs, internal tightness, but Ive started writing down my feelings and rereading when I need to. I know its a fear of feeling anxious therefore I need to accept the feelings and not be frightened of them or I will feed it big style!

Heres to a good day for me and a good day for every one!

Thanks, Julie x