View Full Version : New here

16-05-12, 23:13
Hello all. I am new to this site and i am hoping it can help me as i have read post's on here just like what i am going through. I made a visit to my G.P a couple of months ago as i was suffering from a sort of dizzy vacant kind of feeling, also had a bad throat with head pain. This was also accompanied by palpitations. My Dr sent me for blood tests to rule out problems. My blood pressure was high but i always feel my heart race whenever i have the pump thing put on my arm. Dr listened to my heart and said was fine. Waited for results of blood tests convinced something bad would show. When i visited G.P for results he said they were all normal and said i was suffering from depression and anxiety. I seemed to be ok for the last month but now i am convinced i am having heart problems. I am a keep fit fanatic cycling everyday and training in the gym four times a week. I keep thinking i am going to keel over in the gym or in busy places. I dont smoke and only drink alcohol at weekends in small amounts. I dont know if i should see my G.P again or try some notes he gave me on trying to relax. Any help please.

17-05-12, 00:35
welcome! palpitations and feeling like there's a problem with your heart is one of the most common things with anxiety. if anything was actually wrong with your heart though your doctor would have picked up on it. also you've not had anything bad happen in a couple months despite 'feeling' as if there's a heart issue, hold on to that and what your doctor told you, with anxiety it really all is in our minds. but our minds are powerful and can give us physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, palpitations, and a whole host of other things. camomile tea might help you relax, it also relaxes the body so it might help with your heart too. i pretty much recommend it to anyone suffering with stress/anxiety as i can feel very on edge but a cup or two later i feel calmer. i always put sugar in it though, tastes horrible without it lol. also try the notes he gave you on relaxing, or listen to some soothing sounds, the sound of rain on youtube helps me etc Xx

17-05-12, 05:35
Another newbie here too.
Whew! It was great stumbling upon this site as I had a fairly good feeling all my symptoms were being triggered by an "overactive mind".
Three weeks ago I was having my usual cup of coffee meeting with a good mate of mine when I had a temporary dizzy spell. Immediately my mind took over wondering what was happening. I'm a young 68 and healthy but started thinking the time has come and I could be getting closer to the end of my life.
All that day I kept waiting for symptoms to return, which they did in spades. My partner was away for a girls weekend at the time and I even started thinking, what if I die before she returns. (Telling you all of this so maybe you can relate to the irrationality of ones thoughts.)
Over the next three weeks symptoms weren't so bad especially if I was occupied doing something else, like playing golf, cycling or making stuff in my workshop. So I knew it must be anxiety.
I woke up this morning feeling great and thought, WOW! it's finally over and I can get on with life. Then as I started thinking about it again, along comes those symptoms...........racing heart, dizziness, tingling in the extremities. At one stage I even pulled off the road in my car thinking I was going to pass out.
Came home and made an appointment with my doctor, which isn't until next Wednesday. (I think I'll cancel now that I found this website)
I googled "health anxiety" and found NMP!!!!!
The comments fit me to a T and once discovered I've been just about totally relaxed for the past hour with symptoms at all.
Just needed someone to confirm I wasn't alone.
My rational self told me: I have good blood pressure, regular heartbeat, no major health issues, but have always been a "worst case" worrier.
Thanks for putting this meeting place together.

17-05-12, 07:04
Hi Raz and :welcome:

The symptoms you describe are very common with anxiety and if your GP had ruled out other causes, you have to try and trust him.

Anxiety symptoms are very real and can be frightening and I know how hard it can be to accept that it's your mind causing them. When you accept this, it becomes easier to deal with. Carry on reading through some posts on here and you'll see you're far from alone and this should help

Take care

Pip x

17-05-12, 11:43
Many thanks to your responses to my posts. It does help put me at ease. I will continue reading future posts.

17-05-12, 14:29
Another newbie here too.
Whew! It was great stumbling upon this site as I had a fairly good feeling all my symptoms were being triggered by an "overactive mind".
Three weeks ago I was having my usual cup of coffee meeting with a good mate of mine when I had a temporary dizzy spell. Immediately my mind took over wondering what was happening. I'm a young 68 and healthy but started thinking the time has come and I could be getting closer to the end of my life.
All that day I kept waiting for symptoms to return, which they did in spades. My partner was away for a girls weekend at the time and I even started thinking, what if I die before she returns. (Telling you all of this so maybe you can relate to the irrationality of ones thoughts.)
Over the next three weeks symptoms weren't so bad especially if I was occupied doing something else, like playing golf, cycling or making stuff in my workshop. So I knew it must be anxiety.
I woke up this morning feeling great and thought, WOW! it's finally over and I can get on with life. Then as I started thinking about it again, along comes those symptoms...........racing heart, dizziness, tingling in the extremities. At one stage I even pulled off the road in my car thinking I was going to pass out.
Came home and made an appointment with my doctor, which isn't until next Wednesday. (I think I'll cancel now that I found this website)
I googled "health anxiety" and found NMP!!!!!
The comments fit me to a T and once discovered I've been just about totally relaxed for the past hour with symptoms at all.
Just needed someone to confirm I wasn't alone.
My rational self told me: I have good blood pressure, regular heartbeat, no major health issues, but have always been a "worst case" worrier.
Thanks for putting this meeting place together.

:welcome: i'm glad you've felt more relaxed since finding this site, i've only been here a couple days myself but i had the same reaction. talking to other people about health anxiety/ the symptoms i'm experiencing has helped me put things in perspective. it's something that i have been unable to do alone, just sitting there telling myself it's anxiety. even though i know it is, there's a part of my mind that doesn't believe it and wonders 'what if' it's something else, or 'what if' *this* time it's something else lol, since there can be a number of symptoms with it. i notice you were drinking coffee when you first had your spell of it, caffeine can be a trigger for a lot of people. i can't even touch coffee, it makes my anxiety so bad. & if i have tea i have to follow it with a camomile tea (a calming kind of tea) it seems that anything that 'amps us up' makes anxiety and symptoms worse, and anything that 'calms us down' evidently helps. exercise helps because it get rid of the adrenaline that builds up in the system with stress/anxiety. when the adrenaline isn't released you get all those funny symptoms/panic attacks etc. i haven't had panic attacks (racing heart etc) for ages, it seemed that once i found out it was a panic attack and not a heart attack as i believed, i was fine. but i do get a 'can't calm down' feeling now and again, and the odd strange symptom crops up from time to time. one day my arms felt so dead and tingly, like i'd been lifting weights for days and i hadn't. it took a couple of days to go away and never returned after that. so if you experience anything different than what you already have don't hesitate to post, chances are it's all part and parcel of anxiety Xx

---------- Post added at 14:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ----------

Many thanks to your responses to my posts. It does help put me at ease. I will continue reading future posts.

:) anything else just inquire about it, as there's likely somewhere here who's experienced it or knows it's common with anxiety :hugs:Xx