View Full Version : Chest problems please help

17-05-12, 08:16
Plse can anyone give me advice i ve been having chest pains for a week and im scared. I went to my doc monday and she did ecg and it was normal but yet im still having pain. I cant get it into my head that its not my heart i didnt get much sleep last night cause i kept thinking about the chest pain. Had panic attack already this morning which sucks. Im at my wits end . The pain can be in my left breast or can be in the centre of my chest plse can anyone relate . Anxiety is a horrible thing. I have a wedding i have to go to tomorrow and im too busy being scared.:huh:

17-05-12, 08:49
As you have had an ecg and a check up at the docs then you have to trust her judgement that your heart is OK. You need to accept that anxiety is causing the pains. Without acceptance you will not be able to relax.
Stop worrying about your heart, your heart is doing its job just fine.
The pains are coming from the tension you are holding within your body. I expect that you are holding your shoulders and neck quite high and tight. Do you clench your jaw and push your tongue to the roof of your mouth or against your teeth? This will cause the fatigue in your chest and create the pains you are experiencing.
Do you have a muscle relaxation CD? You can buy one fron NoPanic or download an MP3 from amazon. Muscle relaxation isn't easy to start with as your muscles are so tight but after a while it will help you to realise just how tense you are.
Do you practice deep breathing where you breath using your diaphragm muscles rather than your chest? When we are tense we tend to breath so the chest moves up and down. Learn to breath through your nose and take the air right down so that your stomach moves in and out. This will help to lower your pulse rate and help with the tension.
I hope this helps a little. Stop worrying about your heart, start to work on lowering the anxiety level and the chest pain will ease in the process.
Enjoy the wedding tomorrow.

17-05-12, 08:59
Agree totally with Flossie. I experienced the same (for over 3 months). My pain is due to anxiety (tightening of muscles) and Chostochondritis which is an inflammation of the muscles in the chest wall. the fact that you have pain along the centre may point to this. It is nothing to worry about and just goes away with time! I'm 3 months on and my pain is sstill there but has gotten alot less...

17-05-12, 12:32
As above they are completely right. Try an experiment though that helped me. I had chest pain after 2 ER visits in 7 days for suspected heart attacks that were panic attacks and because I was on Valium I didn't panic. I heard a nurse talking in the ER when I was being seen about trying a dose of anti-acid for stomach upsets (it is called mylanta here in AUS). Sure enough my chest pain was gone - it was some sort of stress related stomach reflux. Give that a try it may make the pain go - if not like the others said above it is anxiety related pain because you have been checked by your doctor.

17-05-12, 13:19
I can totally relate to you at the moment. I'm having tests at the moment, because i'm totally convinced that my ticker is about to give up. I've just been put on Atenolol 25mg a day to help lower my blood pressure and help with my heart rate as i felt that it was racing sometimes. I'm getting chest pain, back pain (between my shoulders) tightness in the throat, chest, stomach and back. I'm going for an ecg tomorrow. I'm terrified like you and so aware of what my heart is doing. Like the others say i think a lot is tension, i know that my shoulders keep rising and feel tight. I also get lightheadedness which again can be down to the tense muscles in your neck.

17-05-12, 14:26
Thank u all for answering my thread. Its just hard to get into my head is all. Im sitting here now and im having really bad shooting pains on left side of chest thats causing tingling in my fingers on same side. I dont understand how it can all be related to anxiety thats where my problem lies. Im waiting on an appointment for a stress test to be done. Im just fed up of the stabbing pain and weird sensations in my chest

17-05-12, 14:47
I know, i'm waiting for a 24hr ecg and treadmill test. Anxiety makes you tense and tense muscles create pain, tingling, numbness and other weird sensations. I do know how you feel, because i find it had to accept its down to anxiety.

17-05-12, 15:30
Agree totally with Flossie. I experienced the same (for over 3 months). My pain is due to anxiety (tightening of muscles) and Chostochondritis which is an inflammation of the muscles in the chest wall. the fact that you have pain along the centre may point to this. It is nothing to worry about and just goes away with time! I'm 3 months on and my pain is sstill there but has gotten alot less...

I concur with all the above I have been going though the same as "want to break free" for near on 3 years now and i have constant chest pains for that amout of time never a day goes by caused by anxiety/panic attacks and also Damn Chostochondritis!!!!!!!!!!!
It is hard to take in at time and after all this time i still find myself worrying it is from the heart but after nearly 3 years I really should know better.

All that tension in the muscles will take time to ease and relax and then hopefully you will feel better.