View Full Version : Fybogel - Boak!!!!

17-05-12, 12:58
Well day 2 on fybogel, 1 sachet in morning & 1 at night. The lemon one.....it's vile!!!!!!

So far I have a gurgly tummy, not even a sign of any "flatulence" (says on the information sheet I may fluff lots, thank god we have a dog)!!!

To take it for 2 weeks and go back to see if it has regulated my movements to at least once a day rather than once a week or when I go on the treadmill or out running!!!!

So....watch this space :wacko:

17-05-12, 13:55
The orange one is actually quite nice tasting. Don't know how much good it does me but i keep taking it anyway. Originally twice a day now just once. They say the bowel loves it :)

17-05-12, 14:09
Oh I really don't like it, struggle to keep it down :) Hopefully my bowel will love it!!!

17-05-12, 16:26
Yes Orange Fybogel is ok - had much worse!

17-05-12, 16:40
Maybe if I had to be given some of the others I would be pleased I had my Orange Fybogel!!! :)

17-05-12, 18:50
I am taking Fybogel orange aswell, started taking Amitriptyline a week ago and it makes you constipated, Fybogel has not mooved me, so I got some Dulcolax and that did the trick.

18-05-12, 21:03
Yeah i seem to remember my father telling me he tried the lemon and it was vile!! so when the doc told me to use it i had to get the orange flavour.