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View Full Version : So happy even tho I have a heart condition!

17-05-12, 15:32
6 years I have been complaining to doctors there is something wrong with my heart!! I've had test after test, ECG, monitors, echo gram etc.

And finely the last monitor I whore picked up palpitations and Eptopic beats! I know I shouldn't be happy about this but 6 years people have been telling me I'm crazy, friends thinking its just me! Family not being there for me when I'm scared!

Turns out I have PVC!

All I can say is. I TOLD YOU SO!!!

Even cried with the cardiologist today, was the nicest man ever. Told me its not gonna kill me, effects 15% of poeple. Have me some things to do when I experience Eptopic beats which is lay day hold my nose and blow. Like ya popping your ears. I'm not sure why maybe helps ya circulation.

But I'm a very anxious person. Currently can't leave my house. So in effect it's not helping at all making PVC hightened. Also cannot drink and gotta cut out caffeine. So that sucks.

But I'm just so happy I'm not crazy!! That I was right and it's now been rocognised. Better late then never. Seriously cannot stop crying. Even had ago at my dad all those years when I was 16 scared for my life experiencing palpitations and Eptopic beats and he used to sit there laughing at me! Sounds terrible I know. Called me a hypercondria!

Sorry for rambling on!

Any other PVC I can't say sufferers cause its not gonna kill us, harm us or cause problems later in life. X

17-05-12, 21:32
Hi Morag,
glad you got some closure at last!!! Hopefully now you will be able to cope with it much better :)
why on earth did they take so long to help you!?

17-05-12, 22:26
That is great you know what it is now :) Sorryyou had to wait so long though! I am dealing with PVCS too and finding it hard and trying to reassure myself that all is OK. I think they are worse because I panic usually.

17-05-12, 22:38
I don't know why its taken this long! But after my what 6th monitor it finely picked up Eptopic beats! 3 in 24hours!!

Yes I'm so glad I have closure. And I felt great when I left the hospital. But ....... Now it's sunk in! Like wow why me? What now and how do I deal with PVC.

Now I'm pretty sure there is no cure for this right? Ive been petrified of my palpitations and Eptopic beats since I was 16. But I'm going through a rough patch where my anxiety has got so bad I can't leave the house so my PVC was worse hense how they could tell this time!

But now I know I don't think it's gonna stop it from scaring me. I just can't see how something that feels so life threatening can be harmless.

Arrrrrrr sooo anoying. But are they right. If your healthy with no heart disease there's nothing to worry about right? X

28-05-12, 20:41
Hi. I was just catching up on old posts and saw your thread. I have had ectopics for 9 years now. They came to light after a major operation. At times I have thousands a day - eg. one missed beat every 9th beat for hours at a time. Even so my gp and the cardiologist who read my ecg and 24hr monitor still say there is nothing to worry about.

Your heat beats 100,000 times a day, so 3 premature beats is very unlikely to be anything to worry about. Most people probably have ectopics but don't notice them. I have a good friend who is a gp and she also tells me that they are common and even when I rang her one night becsuse they were every 3rd beat she still said I didn't need to go to a and e because I did not have other symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath.

Anyway, even after being told they were harmless 9 years ago I have spent a long time in a state of panic, anxiety, fear, fully expecting to drop dead.

However, what has really helped has been Claire Weekes book Self Help For Your Nerves, Richard Carlsons Stop Thinking Start Living, and the All Experts Cardiology site - Dr David Richardson answers questions on there and he almost always says that pvc (ectopic) beats are harmless if you have been checked out with an ecg.

I would really recommend looking at the site - I have a printout of his answers that I read when I get really anxious. I have wasted a lot of time waiting for a catastrophe that has never come and I would hate you to do the same. Please accept what your doctors say rather than always seeing the negative outcome and feeding your anxiety further.