View Full Version : Introducing me...

17-05-12, 17:27
Hello, I hope you are well. Thanks for clicking to read my post. I thought I'd introduce myself and say hello..

So my story......I guess I'll start with the first ever panic attack 2 months ago, in the office, out of no where, scariest thing I have ever experienced. Proud to say I have not had a panic attack since, but I get all the other symptons, the tight chest, breatlessness, and the worst which I hate - my racing heart. It doesn't just race, it thumps with such powerful force I feel it allover, like its gona burst out of my chest. Guess this happens twice a week, have not found a reason why this started yet. Most times I can calm myself down just to prevent my heartbeat from going crazy, for the times I cannot control it - I am on Propranolol 40mg, but found the side effects too much, so I take half - 20mg when needed - so far only twice :D and 20mg is just right.

I guess I know the cause, suppressed feelings, emotions, had a heavyily emotional year last year, I guess it was going to catch up with me, and this mixed in with other stuff. Avoidance is a bad thing.

Anyway, i thought I was going to die, and this is the start of my reason to go at 28, but then I found this site. I cannot explain what a comfort it is to see I am not alone. Its horrible that we even have to experience such events, but its great we can share and help eachother along.

So thank you, I look forward to contributing what I can, and learning from others.

Bambi x

17-05-12, 17:37
Hi Bambi28

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-05-12, 18:14
That was a really positive introduction, you seem to be dealing with your anxiety very well.
And welcome:welcome:

17-05-12, 21:17
Hi Bambi and :welcome:

You sound like a lovely, thoughtful person and I look forward to you joining in on some posts. I'm pleased you also find it a comfort in here, I do too.

Take care

Pip xx

18-05-12, 11:35
Aww thank you guys!

I suppose its stages, I have done the initial “oh no what’s happening to me, Im gona die of a heart attack, I should write a will, is it the smoking etc..." and constant crying. I was there for a week, when the doc gave me propranolol it sent shockwaves in my head coz i thought I refuse to be on tablets for anything. But if i am honest, i am back and forth, most of the week I am okay, as soon as I have the symptoms, it takes me a good few hours/day to get back to normal. I can either let myself be consumed by the anxiety and depressive issues in my life...this all too easy to be done - which I did for about a month before my first panic attack....or I can deal with this. If I am honest, I am scared, I am bloody crapping myself, no one I personally know has been through this, but i must keep positive, only I can control this.

What scares me is, i dont have an ‘attack’ when im actually stressed, it happens when im happy and relaxed – what is up with that! so im going to sit here do some more reading and research into what it is, why it happens...and especially learn some breathing techniques to calm my heart down, the other night I managed to reduce the pounding a bit by controlling my thoughts but it only worked for a short period before i freaked out LOL! but it worked thats the main thing.

Anyway, I am gona start rambling soon so I’ll stop. Haha.

Have a lovely day

18-05-12, 13:01
I can relate to only having an attack when you are happy and relaxed.
When you are relaxed your mind has time to wander and notice any negative bodily sensations, then you start to panic, thats what happens to me anyway.
When you are stressed, you are busy and have no time to check yourself, but that stress may catch up with you hours or days later, a knock on effect, so to speak.

Sorry if I didn't make any sense

18-05-12, 14:45
That’s interesting, it makes sense....if I think of the times it has happened at home, I am laying in bed, music on low volume using the laptop, it’s all fairly quiet so I can hear/feel any change in heartbeat. And thats it, that will spark something in my brain, make me more aware, and it’s a downward spiral from there.

Something that i found has really helped over the last 3 weeks is, when i am out or say driving and i feel a change in heart beat, I go to the noisiest place i can find, or blast the music...so i don’t hear or feel my heartbeat, this worked so well!! I distract my attention and that’s the episode dealt with! So next time when im home alone and this happens, all ive gota do is turn up the volume and ignore!

Happy Days lol.

18-05-12, 18:28
I keep the TV on all the time as background noise so I don't have chance to notice my physical symptoms

22-05-12, 10:23
thats a good idea. i tend to do that at night, i fall asleep watching tele, i find it difficult to switch everything off and try to sleep. although i am trying this again, i miss the days when i could sleep in peace and quiet. I did this yesterday and i was fine. woopdidoo

Veronica H
22-05-12, 22:29
:welcome:to NMP Bambi. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough.( It is a bit old fashioned, but still so relevant).
Here is a link to her site;
http://www.claireweekes.com.au/ (http://www.claireweekes.com.au/)

This will get better. Veronicax