View Full Version : Newbie

18-05-12, 00:18
:weep: Hi everyone,
I have depression and have just started new medication that is leaving horrid side effects and I feel like sleeping all day. It would be good to sleep a little at night as I spend the hours reading or watching night time TV. I have read some threads and find them heartening that people care so much about each other in the forum. I just came out of hospital today having had 2 blood transfusions for a low blood count but don't know the reason for it. hey ho! It's good to meet you all.

18-05-12, 00:28
Hi Cathyt

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-05-12, 00:36
Hi cathy, how are you tonite i cant sleep either well this week anyway :yesyes:

18-05-12, 04:46
Hello, Cathy. It seems like there's a LOT of us in the same boat around here, so that means there's a LOT of people who know something of how you feel, and who you can talk to. As a Forum it's got a lot going for it. I've only just joined, so there's a few of us new ones here. Good luck. :)

18-05-12, 06:17
Hello Cathy hope you get everything straightened out. It is a hard rode. I do not sleep well either.:welcome:

18-05-12, 14:09
Thanks for all your support. Cathy

19-05-12, 15:30
Hi Cathyt,

What meds are you on/ I was on citalipram for 6 weeks but doc took me off them because the side effects were bad, esp insomnia. doc has now put me on mirtazipne, & am sleeping much better, am only on a small dose (15mg), been on it 3 weeks now & feeling a bit more human now, still a long way to go but at least it's in the right direction

19-05-12, 16:54
hi stormy and welcome cathyt, let me know how you get on with the mirtazipne. Interested in any side effects. I'm still trying not to take meds, hoping mine will go away. good luck both

22-05-12, 18:24
Hi guys....I'm having really bad side effects from the Cit. and am seeing my GP tomorrow to see if I can change to Mirtazapine as the insomnia is getting to me. I also have mega palpitations and can't take beta blockers as I have asthma. Wok, you are brave to go it alone without any meds. I started Inositol today as well to see if that helps. Apparently with Mirtazapine you get an enhanced appetite and possibly mobile legs that won't keep still but I've heard mainly good things about it. Cathy x