View Full Version : Anxiety?

18-05-12, 08:31
I've had anxiety on and off for a few years but for the least few months I have been really suffering and although I can still do most day to day things, I find it much harder and rarely get enjoyment out of things I used to.
I was just wondering if anyone feels like me at the moment and if it's just anxiety (maybe GAD)? I have a constant tension headache, feel like my head is full but can't really think straight. I feel like I'm always thinking about how I'm thinking/feeling so therefore I'm not being myself, like I'm acting in a sense. I also seem to have a few months at a time of different worries, at the moment it's that I have an incurable mental disorder that will just get worse. I've never been diagnosed but am terrible for constant googling. Very example at first I thought I had sever depression, then for a few weeks it was bipolar as I was having trouble sleeping, now it's borderline personality disorder. Convincing myself of these illnesses makes me feel way worse but it's like I'm addicted.
Sorry for the long post, I hope it makes sense. I rarely open up so feel like I had to get as much out as possible. Does anyone feel any of the things I have mentioned?
Thanks, Sam

18-05-12, 09:13
I have tension headaches when im anxious, a lot of the time I get shoulder aches that last for days. My mind worry constantly and goes from one worry to the next. Looking at goggle for illnesses is always a bad idea.
Right now worrying about anxiety is the concern of my brain
i know how you feel, ive had anxiety for yrs and it keeps coming back

18-05-12, 09:15
Sam, I've had all of those and am beng greatly helped by my GP.

Go and see yours.

Dr "search-engine" will send you every which-way!

18-05-12, 09:23
Thank you very much for your replies.
It really is reassuring to no I'm not alone.
I will definitely go to my GP. I have been briefly in the past but never been very honest so I think that's my downfall. I do actually look forward to really getting to the root of my problems and moving forward from there.
Thanks again.

18-05-12, 11:05
It sounds like GAD to me, I suffer from that and have all the symptoms that you mentioned.
I would go to your doctor, he may prescribe you medication or reffer you for CBT(cognitive behavioural therapy). He will be able to put your mind at rest.