View Full Version : Dreams

18-05-12, 10:15
So i had a dream last night that i cut my arm then feignted banged my head on the kitchen unit and knocked myself out, my boyfriend came home from work and called an ambulance when i was taken to hospital they gave my a CT scan and foun a blood clot on the brain.
They said it was small so gave me meds and wanted to keep me in for a few days then re scan, if it haden't gone down they would have to do brain surgery.

Also aside from this the doctors decided i was a danger to myself and decided to hospitalise me under the mental health act (my worst fear), i then had to face my mum who doens't know im having a relapse, and tell my partner's parents to explain why i would be in hospital for a minimum of a month.

It was a really horrible dream, and though i know it's not true it wasa really vivid one, i dont normally remember my dreams but when i do they're always horrible, I dream about S and SH and accident, falling down the stairs and breaking my leg and not being able to call anyone and having to wait hours till my boyfriend gets home.

Why cant i dream of nice things like puppies and rainbows http://buslist.org/phpBB/images/smilies/icon_frown.gif

Still at least i wasn't talking (as far as i know) apparently the other night i sat up and had a conversation with my boyfriend that he couldn' understand then led down again, totally asleep, no wonder im tired all the time if im jabbering away all night.

Anyone else do crazy stuff in the night?

18-05-12, 13:17

Well, I can relate!

Since I've been on Citalopram and Sertraline I have had the most RANDOM dreams ever - from me being in weird places doing horrible things, to my boyfriend cheating on me, to me cheating on my boyfriend etc...

It's horrible how these are affecting me, but what I see it as it's a weird thing that you are able to dream this in depth you know?

I do find that meditating before bed time with a lucid dreaming hypnosis program is always helpful - it sends you into a deep sleep and you're able to really focus on beautiful things before you go to bed.

You'll be okay peach!

All the best,

18-05-12, 13:42
I dont know if it was the Propanolol i took yesterday, it was the first time as i was really anxious, then i really struggled to get to sleep and when i finally did it was frought with hideousness *sigh*
Dont you hate it when you dream of your boyfriend doing something that pisses you off and when you wake up your still pissy even though he's done nothing wrong poor lamb ha ha my friend at work gets angry with her kids when she's dreamt theyve been naughty bless em!
As long as these things are dreams and not premonitions i'll be fine thanks chick

18-05-12, 13:44
Yeah definitely.

I get the same dreams and stuff!

Don't look too much into them, they're not premonitions at all, if anything, they're just the meds giving you funny side effects.

Don't worry about them too much.


18-05-12, 16:31
I've done crazy stuff when asleep to be honest! Had full on conversations with people about very weird things!
I've sleep walked on more than one occasions (once involved climbing on top of a wardrobe)
I also have mental dreams. one involved me being in another country, went into a shopping centre and it was all mcdonalds. Went to a mcdonalds and they had skeletons of dogs on the counter which they were taking the meat off.

Also woken up gasping for breath before a few times.

ALSO have a reacurring dream where I think I've swallowed something really bad. I always wake up coughing and still thinking I've swallowed it for a good half hour before I realise. This half hour panics me and is terrifying. Things I think I've swallowed in the past include chewing gum regularly, a stone, overdose of medicine, an aa battery and a pin. Honestly it's so scary!

18-05-12, 16:54
Pinkcasi - I can relate to your situation. Since starting antidepressants my dreams have become much more vivid and they are either very negative or so mundane and realistic that I wake up and sometimes think that the dream was something that really happened in the past!

It can be so scary, and I've not worked out a way to stop them, but you're not alone.

I find that I also have lucid dreams when I'm on antidepressants (where you can, to some degree, control what you do in your dreams) but I nearly always find myself in a negative situation, which limits what I can and can't do. Does anybody else get that? It is such an odd experience.

19-05-12, 20:19
Yeah totally i get the whole control what you do, to the point where i think im not dreaming im just wishing something bad on myself cos as you say it's always really negative, and involves death or injury in some way, sometimes accidential and sometimes not, but always something that could actually happen, it's freaky!