View Full Version : Shooting pains.

18-05-12, 10:28
Does anyone get shooting pains? I keep getting pains in various parts of my body that last a few seconds. Today i keep getting them in my left leg and my arms. I also sometimes get them in my head. I am going to my gp today and he will probably roll his eyes when he sees my list of symptoms;
Aching all over
Feel bloated and full
Shoulder blade/neck/side/hip sore
Crying all the time
Brain fog
Generally feel unwell
Waking up in a sweat about 5am and cant get back to sleep
Body feels stiff
Toilet more frequent, usually in the mornings
Random pains anywhere in my body
Right arm and leg feel weak/tingly/numb
Anyone else relate to any of these because i know rationally it must be anxiety but there is always the irrational voice telling me i am dying of cancer and it always seems to win.

miss sparkle
18-05-12, 10:41
ah zippy.
I am sorry you are feeling so rubbish, but if it makes you feel any better, i am always feeling unwell too recently. I think you have been so stressed out about your tummy lump thing your be
body is worn out from all the nervous energy you have had recently and it is causing these horrible symptoms.
Have you tried having a hot bath and a really early night with some paraetamol?
You May be just simply worn down and worn out x x

18-05-12, 10:50
Thanks miss sparkle, i know i have probably caused it with worrying over the lump but it's hard to accept its anxiety and not some terminal illness. I thought i had it under control and although i knew i was worried about the lump i didn't feel i was that anxious about it to make myself this ill. The lump is still there but it's gone down and i don't even feel worried about that now but the damage is done.

18-05-12, 11:09
Hi Zippy, i get all your symptoms and many more. It's is really difficult to accept that this is anxiety. As Miss Sparkles says, you have been worrying about you lump and this is your bodies way of releasing all that worry. By all means go and see your dr, but i bet that's what it is.

18-05-12, 11:15
Thanks honeyb, I know deep down it is anxiety because i have been here before but with a few different symptoms and thats why i always freak out. If i have different symptoms that i havent had before with anxiety i think it cant be anxiety this time. It's so exhausting, i just wish it would go away and i could be happy all the time.

18-05-12, 11:23
Hi hun, i think the doc will put all your symptoms down to anxiety, do you take any AD? if not he might offer you something today xx

18-05-12, 11:29
Hi nicola no i am not on any medication at the moment. It's just so exhausting having all these symptoms every day. I tried citralopam before xmas but i didnt like the side effects so i stoppped taking them. I had been ok since xmas but this last month i started getting anxious over a lump on my belly and now i am this ill again :mad:

18-05-12, 12:51
Zippy I relate to them all, have been going through them for months and finally feel like I'm getting better. You will too once those anxiety levels drop. Take care

18-05-12, 12:58
Thanks Jade 1978 for the reply. Did you ache all over at times and feel like your body was seizing up? I try to carry on as normal and then i will get shooting pains in my legs or head etc and then i am filled with dread again, its a vicious circle isnt it.

18-05-12, 14:27
Hi Zippy - at some point I've experienced most or all of your symptoms and like you I doubt whether it's anxiety. I've had them on/off since Feb and I still get days when I think it's my last! It's a nightmare :scared15:! What I keep having to tell myself though is that tumours/neuro diseases (my worst fears) do not present themselves in that way - they don't come and go. The past 2 days have been great for me but today my right side feels weak, my eye is twitching, I'm lightheaded and my head is fuzzy! It's frustrating because I don't feel anxious :wacko:. I had a shooting pain in my head and leg earlier - it's all kicking off! It is a vicious circle but it will get better. Enjoy the good days when you have them. Big hugs. xx

18-05-12, 16:04
I have just been to see a doctor again with my lump and he said it's an abscess but could be a fatty cyst or something. He said if it didnt go in 3 weeks to go back and get it cut and to stop worrying because it definitely isn't cancer. I gave him my list of other symptoms which i have posted at the top and explained that i suffer from HA and he said all my symptoms sound like anxiety. He took my oxygen levels, temperature and listened to my heart and all is fine. So i will have to try and give myself a shake :ohmy:

19-05-12, 10:19
Yes Zippy, at times I ache all over and my joints feel stiff. I'm having a lot more good days now though, so feeling lots better.

19-05-12, 11:14
Thanks jade 1978. I have had anxiety many times before but i cant remember the aching all over as if your coming down with flu. I seem to have something different every few days, 2 weeks ago i kept feeling off balance and feeling like i was on a boat and then my right arm and leg fet weak and tingly. And now aching all over and last night i got the good old palpitations back and couldnt sleep. It's never ending, i am going to majorca in 3 weeks and i just can't see myself well enough to go.

19-05-12, 15:37
It will probably be the best thing for you. I could do with a holiday right now. Hopefully you will come back feeling heaps better.