View Full Version : Got a busy weekend to get through. Any advice on getting through it?

18-05-12, 12:19
In the spirit of trying to get better and beat this thing once and for all, I've started saying yes to invites instead of making up excuses. I've managed so far, but this weekend feels like it might just be too much.

My boyfriend has invited me to come and meet his brother and his brother's fiance and have dinner with them tonight, then we're supposed to go and stay at his mother's for the night. Then tomorrow, his cousin has a first communion that I've said I'll go to, which is followed by a huge group of us going for a 2 course lunch, then on to another cousin's house for the rest of the day/evening.

Any one of those things on their own would be enough to make me panic, but all of them at once just seems so overwhelming.

I know I have to go because I'll never get better if I don't do these things and show the panic brat who's boss. But I am seriously freaking out about getting through it.

The communion and the meal afterwards are scaring me the most. Church services are really boring to me and boredom seems to be a trigger for my panic. Then a restaurant - I am not good with them at all.

I'm not going out till 5 and my anxiety has been through the roof since last night. I can barely focus on anything else.

Anyone got any advice on getting through this?

18-05-12, 15:49
Wow, that is a busy weekend.

If you find that you have had enough after the Communion tomorrow, make an excuse for not going for the meal, or just explain that you are a little stressed, which would be an understatement!!!!!!!!!!

If you get in a flap and panic, just tell them that you are warm and go outside, have a walk about until you calm down a bit.

I commend you for putting yourself out there, big time.........

Good luck and well done