View Full Version : Itching

18-05-12, 13:00
About 5 or 6 months ago I started to itch, mostly my legs & stomach, most evenings & it seemed worse after I got out of the shower. There was no rash at all. The areas simply reddened when I scratched. I thought it might be when I was getting warm but I tried moisturising. This seemed to make it worse so I mentioned it to my GP. He just suggested taking an antihistamine tablet when I started itching, which I did. I found it sometimes helped but others it didn't.

The itching continued & went to other parts of my body, such as my arms, chest & shoulders & it was also sometimes occurring during the day. Therefore, I returned to my GP who sent me for blood tests. They all came back 'normal' except for renal function, which was 'satisfactory'. So, no problems there it seems.

I'm now sitting here at work & my arms & the backs of my shoulders are very itchy. I've taken an antihistamine tablet in the hope it'll help. However, I am concerned as to what it might be.

I've not changed washing products for ages (clothes or personal) & I use the 'pure', skin friendly products anyway. I have been on 400mg of carbamazepine twice a day for over 7 years (for epilepsy) with no problems & I've been taking 20mg a day of Simvastatin (high cholesterol) for the last 3 years with no apparent problems. For the same period of time I've been taking Losartan (hypertension). I was on 50mg per day but just before Christmas it was increased to 100mg. Of course, it is always possible that this increase in dosage is causing the itching & I did mention it to the GP but I had no problems with the lower does at all & it's a medication with very few side effects.

The only 'rash' I ever get now is when I really scratch my stomach (around my belly button) & the top centre of my bottom, when it goes red & I get some small raised lumps. However, the redness & lumps disappear quickly once I stop scratching.

Has anyone had anything similar or does anyone know what it might be because now it's started to happen during the day, it's getting rather uncomfortable.

31-12-12, 18:21
I'm bumping my original post because a few months on I'm still suffering with the itching. It's not every day & there have been times when a week or two pass without any problems but in the last week I've noticed it more. Boxing Day was particularly bad, during the day.

Today I returned to my GP concerned that it could be a sign of a serious underlying problem, such as liver problems. Indeed, I've been a social (binge to those in the medical profession) since I was 18 (I'm now 40). For around 10 months of the year, on average once every two weeks, I drink 5-7 pints of beer. I told the doctor & also mentioned that despite not having suffered from nosebleeds in the past, over the last year or so I've had about 10-12, even waking up in the night with one on a couple of occasions. I've also lost about half a stone in the last 6-10 months (I don't weigh myself often!) despite not changing my diet or exercise habits significantly.

My GP said my last blood tests in April, which included liver function, were normal but he agreed it'd be best to run another series of blood tests. He also felt my stomach, checked my eyes & took my blood pressure, all of which were fine.

I've been through a lot of stress this year & I am a worrier so I previously put the itching down to this but I'm now very worried that it's something more serious.

I'm itching now even though I took a strong antihistamine tablet an hour ago & I'm well aware that if the itching is caused by an underlying problem such as the liver, antihistamines don't work. Mind you, they seem to have done in the past so is it my anxiety that's making me itch?

I'm having my blood test on Wednesday morning & it'll take a few days for the results to get back to my GP so more worrying in the meantime!

Has anyone experienced similar itching but simply due to stress or do people think I've got something more seriously wrong, such as liver disease?

Any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated.

31-12-12, 18:25
I have itching often. I am on anti-histamines, and like you, they don't always help. I had normal blood tests this fall. The only thing that has helped me is getting my anxiety under control and also using a moisturizer. Maybe i have dry skin although it doesn't feel dry. But I do find that if I moisturize daily, the itching is not as noticeable.

31-12-12, 18:26
Hopefully your blood tests will tell you what it is, sometimes it can be totally unexplained. Maybe try antihistamine cream as well as the tablets? I can't really say more than that as it could be so many reasons mostly nothing serious.

09-01-13, 08:14
Well, I've had my blood tests & fortunately they've all come back normal. The only one that had a high reading (66 as opposed to a normal of 40) was Gamma GT but the GP said this was to be expected due to the alcohol I had been drinking over the years & is not a sign of anything else. He simply reiterated his suggestion to try to cut down now I've entered my 40s. Indeed, I haven't had any alcohol for over a week now & that includes NewYear's Eve! However, the GP did say it's not necessary to cut out alcohol totally, I just need to try to cut down a bit.

As well as the Gamma GT, my liver function, renal function & blood count were tested - all normal.

One thing I neglected to mention to the GP was the weight I've lost. When I weighed myself earlier in the year I was around 12 stone 10 pounds. I weighed myself for the first time since, last week & I saw I had gone down to about 12st 4lb. I weighed myself this morning (same scales, same time of day, etc) & found I'm now 12st 2lb.

I don't know why I'm losing weight. My weight always tended to be quite stable. I'm not dieting & I didn't hold back with food & drink over Xmas. Also, in addition to walking a couple of miles a day & exercising on an elliptical machine 2-3 times a week, I now only walk a couple of miles twice a week & I haven't been on my elliptical for a month now! I'm not knowingly eating any less than normal. If anything, I'm eating a bit more because I've been working at home for the last few months. My wife is on Weight Watchers so we do eat healthily during the week but I don't follow her diet as religiously as she does & in the past 2 weeks (Xmas & NY) she put on 5lb yet I've lost weight.

The last year or so, especially the last 6 months, have been very stressful with me being made redundant then going into a new job but only part time because the company is new & is still growing. Therefore, the future is uncertain. I've also had the worry over the itching.

What do people think? I assume the blood tests would've picked up on anything serious that might cause weight loss??? Could it simply be the stress?

09-01-13, 10:19
I think your weight loss is due to the stress and anxiety. I lost a stone in a 2 months with anxiety.

09-01-13, 11:15
I think your weight loss is due to the stress and anxiety. I lost a stone in a 2 months with anxiety.

Thanks Annie. That's put my mind at rest.

09-01-13, 22:15
I could have written your post.
I have been itching since June. In the beginning mostly evenings, now also during the day. No rash, only scratches and bumps where I have been scratching. Antihistamines have no effect. I itch all over, but mostly stomach, arms, scalp.
Had blood tests in october, they came back normal.
My dr says it is stress related...:bighug1: