View Full Version : Left Abdomen Pain

18-05-12, 13:31
Hi All,

I'm just wondering if this is a common symptom of anxiety. On and off I've been getting pain in my left abdomen, just to the left of my naval. I used to feel it in the same region in my back and originally thought the pain in the front was referred pain from my back. However, my back seems a bit better now and the pain is mostly in my front. I suppose pain might not be the best word, it's more an achy uncomfortable-ness. My digestive system seems fine so I don't think its IBS or anything similar. I wondered if maybe it is coming from me holding myself so tense all the time, if I could be carrying the stress in my abdomen muscles?? As I said I've had it on and off for a few months, just don't know if I should be going to the doc or if I should put it in the anxiety symptom sack with everything else.

Any thoughts??


18-05-12, 19:41
Really? Nobody? I've just realised that the discomfort have moved slighter higher now, still left of naval just higher than before, under the edge of my rigcage.... which makes me think it must be muscular.....

18-05-12, 19:46
could be ibs hun as your bowel runs directly undernieth your ribcage. i have right pain under my right rib and have just been diagnosed with gall stones.
all so i have diverticualar which the bowels pockets out and i get a bit of discomfort from it too.
but anixety can cause a lot of discomfort with yr abdomen.
maybe a quick visit to yr g.p see what they think x

18-05-12, 19:52
I suppose I shouldn't really discount IBS at this stage, I've only had the pain on and off for a few months, but thinking back I can't remember it ever being related to food, as in coming on after food, it seems to be just there randomly during the day. Its not the gallbladder anyway as its on the right and all this pain is on the left. I'll give it another wee while and see how much it is bothering me, then maybe ask a doc.... I'm conscious of going to the doc too often :-(

18-05-12, 20:06
yep see how you get on and if its still there just pop to the docs.
im always there they make a joke of it now saying im haunting the place lol but they really nice and understanding.
hope it eases of for you. i had mine for months was driving me nuts because i didnt know what it was which made me worse. was thinking allsorts of horrible things of what it could be
then i had such relief when she said i had a gall stone x

23-05-12, 12:09
Just wanted to say that I went to the doc about this today because it has got worse over the last week. He had a good feel of my tummy and did a urine sample (which was clear) and couldn't find anything wrong. He has popped me on a dose of Omeprazole, just in case there is any inflammation/ulceration, and is sending me for an ultrasound, but, thinks that the most likely outcome is musculoskeletal. I'm thinking it probably is, like before, that I'm carrying so much tension it is causing real muscular pain in my back and abdomen, but, I'm happy to take the prescription just in case. All in all I feel so much better having had it checked out and to be told its nothing serious.

23-05-12, 12:37
My left side is always IBS, but then I don't discount anxiety as upsetting my digestive system.
Sometimes the IBS changes are subtle and if you think about it can you relate to it.
Hope it passes soon