View Full Version : can this be part of my anxiety

18-05-12, 17:03
hi i suffer with GAD and HA and the last few days felt bit breathless and abit sore throat and bringing up green flem (sorry for bieng so blunt with the flem bit ) so u can imagine ive been quite anxiouse because i feel poorly and of cause went to see my gp today as scared incase ive got chest infection and thinking im goung to really ill.i saw gp and he checked me over says my chest is clear and oxagen level was goog and that of propbly got some kind of infection. but this aftrenoon after i listened to relaxation i felt as if i was angry like im in amood and felt i wanted to cry im not sure why i felt like this i just wanted to scream i wish i wasnt like this and be like anynormal person when they are ill and not think the worse case senario can any one relate to this or felt like this thk u oh and i felt as if i wasnt with it if that makes sence

21-05-12, 22:43
yes it does make sense all of it right now i am anxiouse because i keep going cold the stange thing is top of my legs feel realy cold yet wen i touch them there not its a weired feeling like there is a ice pk on them i no i ave had ir before many times it feels like there is a cold air around me as for going to doctors i never go as i am afraid they will tell me something bad so i suffer till it passes or gets replaced with another fear hope that all makes sense i to get emotional and angry at myself the who anxiety thing is hard to explain i suffer agraphobia to how long have you suffed bye for now take care trish

21-05-12, 23:01
anxiety gives you lots of syptoms..
And i know i make mine worse by constantly over thinking about it...distract yourself and if you are really stressed about it then really push it on your doctor..

It took me a long time to find a doctor who would notjust put everything down to my anxiety...although most of the time it was :)

just try distract yourself and find a doctor who will listen

good luck :)

(tip..dont start off by telling them you have anxiety but dont miss it out...)

22-05-12, 01:18

Aww hun - I'm so sorry to hear you're going through such a difficult time at the moment.

Personally, I suffered from anxiety and obsessive thoughts (which are still there but meds make them better!) and now I suffer primarily for more depression than anything - but I can't say that I've experienced the phlegm from coughing and having a sore throat.

Maybe it's stress? Stress can always make you very ill and I think if you're still bothered about it, the best thing for you to do would be to visit your GP again or local walk in centre and see what they suggest.

I hope you're okay and wish you all the best,