View Full Version : have finshed it !!!

09-07-06, 16:13
hello everyone i know it been a long time i have not been on here much well thats because i have been making my own on line shop i thought focusing on something i am intrested in would help me i like crystals so i have disingen my own on line shop wich has helped me out so much as being able to focus on something other me and funny body sinsations. please tack a look, the web add is www.earthsmagic.co.uk and tell me what you think of it. its not compleat finshed but its on line and working lol

thanks for reading
amanda xx

dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday

09-07-06, 16:28
Oh amanda, it looks FAB!! WELL DONE!! will keep that in my favourites as i colect mind,body,spirit magazine and crystals are a big part of that! I currently carry round a *thinks* hmm dunno what it is lol but is blue and its sposed to be good for anxiety. But, they also look great too, and fab for meditating on!
Becci x

polly daydream
09-07-06, 16:54
Hi Amanda, by the way, it does't work on safari, well it didn't for me anyway, I used explorer. Anyway they are gorgeous, well done. Will have a bit more of a look and maybe send for more information.

Best wishes,

Polly x

09-07-06, 18:01
Looks good Amanda and a brilliant project to distract from your problems. Welll done.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-07-06, 19:39
As a qualified crystal therapist you can expect me to be very interested and I have just added you to my favourites.

Look forward to doing business with you :D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

10-07-06, 01:45
Hi Amanda,

Great job on the site. I don't know anything about crystals but am very interested, however I live in the USA, do you mail to here? Please pm me. Thanks.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

10-07-06, 03:13
Hi Amanda,

Wow. Well done you. You have done a fabulous job there hun. I bet it took a while but my word it was def worth it hun.

well done you. Its lovely.

Take care,


10-07-06, 11:03
hello all thank you so much for all your posative replys i am so please you all like and that it has help me out so much the progam/soft were that i used is call zen cart i dont know much about computers but i have been able to do this with a little help from me parnter Woz. thanks agin

amanda xx

dont worry about today, for today was the tomorrow you worried about yeaterday