View Full Version : Day 5 and I'm dying.

18-05-12, 20:44
I've been on 20mgs now for 5 days and feel like death. I came home from hospital yesterday following blood transfusion for low blood count and wasn't too bad while there. Now I'm home I'm a wreck. Spend the day wandering from the bedroom to the bathroom as I have constant trots. I had a bad anxiety attack this morning and spent ages sweating like the proverbial. Every time I take my tablet I feel dreadful sweats about half an hour later and I ache all over. I actually slept for 4 hours last night but hadn't for 5 nights prior to this so am dreading tonight and spending the time wandering the house. I can't concentrate to read a book or watch TV for long. How long will this last??? All replies welcome. Cathy

18-05-12, 21:04
hi cathy,
Sorry to hear you are suffering so badly, im on 20mg of cit aswell i started 4 weeks ago, and i had all the side effects you mention and more , i know how awful you must be feeling but it honestly will get better.
Stick with it if you can ,i was still feeling unwell upto a couple of days ago but i think its finally settled now and i feel ninety percent better.
I know it feels neverending at the moment but you will get better it just takes time to work.
Take care i hope you have a better weekend :hugs:

18-05-12, 21:21
I too suffered with just about every listed side effect but like everyone else is assuring you it does get better....i was about 4-5 weeks on them before i felt side effect free....im now 9 weeks in and still have the odd thought or panic feeling but on a whole feel fab....stick with it hun....take care x

19-05-12, 10:51
Thanks for your support peeps. Last night I ended up having vanilla ice cream at 3.30am and spent the rest of the night wandering the house. I am like a zombie today and have no motivation to do anything, including eat.

19-05-12, 13:08
Well it's day six for you cathy, one more day closer to feeling better:yesyes:

I find eating a real chore during the first week or two and I loose some unwanted flab so that's a bonus! Trouble is the old appetite comes back with a vengeance when I start feeling good again:sad:

I know the feeling of not knowing what to do with yourself and being unable to concentrate. I find getting out for a walk helps and forcing myself to notice things around me, not just walk with my head staring at the ground. Trying to break the cycle of thinking negatively by concentrating on stuff around you-sounds or sights helps but it takes practice and time.

Take care, tomorrow will be the end of the first week and if your lucky may start feeling some benefits of the Citalopram next week?


19-05-12, 16:07
Thanks for that Steve. I will make myself go out for a walk with the dogs later on once I've bathed and dressed. Cathy x

20-05-12, 20:25
Today was terrifying as I went for a long drive and then supermarket shopping. Somehow survived it all and even ate a decent supper. Once home I had a nap for about half an hour so some sleep at last. Cathy

20-05-12, 20:34
Today was terrifying as I went for a long drive and then supermarket shopping. Somehow survived it all and even ate a decent supper. Once home I had a nap for about half an hour so some sleep at last. Cathy

Well done Cathy,
I wish I had your courage!!!!!!!!

21-05-12, 12:00
I think I actually slept for a while last night as I didn't wander around the house. This morning I feel like a wet rag again so I guess this won't be a great day. Managed to get an appointment to see my GP on Wednesday to see if there are any beta blockers for people with asthma as the palpitations are killing. Thanks BobbyDog...believe me I'm not at all courageous, just keep going as best I can. I'm lucky in having a supportive partner who lets me get on with it regardless. Cathy x

23-05-12, 11:34
Just saw my GP and she has changed me to Amitriptyline as she said that Mirtazapine wasn't suitable for me. She also referred me to a psychologist at the surgery so that should help. I'll let you know how I get on with the new script. Cathy x