View Full Version : Dizziness and itchy head?

09-07-06, 17:59
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else has had this one... I'm thinking of booking a doctor's appointment but I'm almost not sure it's worth it.

For the past three weeks or so, I keep getting lightheaded. It tends to come on about 10am, after a while of being at work, though sometimes earlier, and the top of my head feels almost itchy some of the time.

I also get a bit of a headache that comes and goes. The dizziness lasts most of the day, though not always - it comes and goes too. I started a new job a while ago, but it's much less stressful than my previous job and so I don't think it's related to stress/anxiety at work.

It's frustrating because I've got an awful lot better with my heart anxiety (though I still reach to check my pulse whenever I feel uncomfortable!). I get this even at the weekends - my head feels fuzzy right now.

I know that it can't be anything serious in my head like a tumour - that's so unlikely and I'd have to be passing out or whatever for it to be that, I'm sure. I always drink plenty of water, so it's not dehydration.

Could this just be my anxiety coming out in a different way, and if so does anyone have any suggestions how to fix it??

09-07-06, 18:20
Hi there, I truly believe it is an anxiety symptom? I know you are not feeling stressed at work, are you eating before work and during the day?, do you get enough sleep? as you said it is not a brain tumour, that does not present itself in this way, I have found that the more i try to ignore these things the less they occur. don't check your pulse, it only add's to your negative thoughts.If you feel a visit to your doc's would put your mind at rest, then by all means book an appointment. Try not to be scared of any of these symptoms, they are sent to try us!!! xxx

10-07-06, 00:55
Hi Carlin,

Thanks for replying!

I try pretty hard to eat regularly through the day, and not too much in the evenings. Sleep is a bit of a problem - it was nightmare neighbours that caused my panic attacks and anxiety in the first place around a year ago. They're still living in the flat upstairs, and are mostly better but still can be annoying.

In fact I'm awake because I'm paranoid about having a headache right now - but they're banging around too which doesn't help!

The feeling is weird, I get an aching just where my neck muscles join my head, if that makes sense, and also often feel dizzy. I'm trying to go to the gym to help with my anxiety (and to lose some weight!) but whenever I exercise i really start to feel my pulse throbbing at the back of my head in the same place, all a bit odd.

12-07-06, 18:37
Well, I went to the doctor. He told me to move my head left and right, said 'oh yes, there's tension in your neck, that'll do it'. I said I'd been suffering from anxiety (a new doctor), and he said well yes it could well be that. Gave me some exercises to stretch it out and sent me on my way.

I guess I felt reasonably reassured that it wasn't anything major, and chalked it up to my anxiety. Today though I've had a real stabbing pain at the back of my head where my neck muscles join my head, and a headache that's moved all around my head. I guess it's more of the same, but it's really hard to try to relax and think 'I'm making this happen'.

Anyone have any suggestions for trying to make the dizziness and headaches subside? I've been reading online and thought maybe massage would be good. I've signed up for Yoga too, but being fat and unfit, it nearly kills me, far from being relaxing! I know it's doing good too though.