View Full Version : cant get cancer out of my head terrified please help

19-05-12, 09:26
please help me ive had some worries in the past couple of weeks diagnosed anaemia had stool test which was clear but my anxiety is still out of control im not sleeping or eating and am in a constant state of high anxiety i am convinced i have cancer in my throat/gullet i am scared to go back to the docs as he said he would send me for an endoscopy to settle me down but i cant cope with the thought of waiting fro the test having the test and what they might find i am totally on the edge please help me i have been on google and convinced myself i have at lease three signs:weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

19-05-12, 09:42
Bless you, I know exactly what your going through as I too can't get the big C & strokes out of my head. At the moment I have a sore under my tongue & I'm convinced it's something terrible my hubby keep's telling me to get a grip but I just can't think rationally everything is sinister in my mind.... Your Dr is probably referring you to put your mind at rest hun... Your not on your own ... Have you spoken to your Dr about your fears? Please try not to google I used to & my anxiety shot up it terrified me . I don't look up any health issues now it will make you feel worse:)

19-05-12, 10:43
he did say that was why he would send me but i cant cope with it i dont think he reaslises how bad my anxiety is i have never felt so low:weep: i just dont know what to do he gave me temazepam but i am scared to take then i took half last night but it had no effect and am worse than ever today dont know where to turn

19-05-12, 12:07
Smogie, I feel sorry you are having these thoughts. THINKING we may have Cancer is very common with us health anxiety sufferers.

Your Doctor is sending for a test TO SETTLE YOU DOWN. Really just to reassure you:yesyes:

Yes it's very hard to going for tests then waiting for results, when I'm feeling bad it can send me into a blind panic. We just have to find what's best for us to keep us level when under these awful periods.

Maybe speak to your Doctor again before the endoscopy and relay your fears if your finding it that hard to cope?

You have been given Temazepam from what I read it is mainly for treating insomnia? Maybe a short course of beta-blockers combined with diazepam would be a better choice for your extreme anxiety while you get this test over and done with but only go with what your Doctor advises as I'm not a Doc'.

Please don't google again it really does not help us at all, you will in your anxious state zone in the worst thing something could be and make things fit that ailment in your mind. All reason goes out the window in times of extreme stress and anxiety and this is why Doctors are helpful as they can look at us from an outside perspective and make the right and most often benign findings:D

Your not alone in how you feel, get the support you need, get the test done and out the way, then take reassurance from the results.



19-05-12, 18:07
I too have been where you are and know how awful it feels. Try to think rationally, which I know can be difficult when you are so anxious. When I was feeling like you and could't cope at all a friend helped me rationalise the risk of what I dreaded I had. She looked up the incidence rate of the disease on the internet and the no. of cases per 100,000 for my age. It really helped me get things in perspective. i wouldn't recommend doing it yourself as you obviously have to read about the disease but if you have anyone to help I would try it. It helped me a bit - not saying it cured me though!

20-05-12, 09:06
i really couldnt cope with the test i just couldnt cope with it yes he gave me the temazepam because i havent slept for tw weeks i am going back to see him tomorrow but am scared that he will have nothing else to help get over this i really dont know where to turn i cant stop crying and shaking:weep::weep: