View Full Version : My OCD and car crashes/driving

19-05-12, 10:22
Hi there, Iv'e suffered from anxiety form my early teens. Im now in my early 40's. I used to get phobias. These stopped many years ago, but since then Iv'e developed OCD obsessional thoughts that I just can't get out of my head. These mostly revolve around driving. Many a time I've had to turn around and check that I have not caused an accident. I few years ago I got into such a panic that I may have caused an accident that I actully rang the police to check if an accident had occurred. There was no accident.

Iv'e also had problems in the past thinking that I'd been unfaithful to my wife and that I'd been drunk and caught some nasty STD or aids. How these thoughts come into my head, I don't know, but they dominate my mind sometimes, even though at the very back of my mind, Iv'e never done any of these things.

Iv'e been to councilling in the past, but it was of little use. Iv'e also taken clomipraline and citalapram in the past. Both worked, but the citalapram lowered my blood sodium. I'm not taking anything at the moment, but an suffering from a bit of a relapse.

Just recently, a local man was killed in a motorbike crash near where I live. I passed by on that road 24 hours before the crash occured. I've got it into my head when I heard news of the accident that it may of been my fault and that I may have left drips of oil on the road (I often carry oil in the back of the pickup). I'm always careful about tightening oil drum tops, but this time the bloke who works for me was in charge of the oil drum, and I cant remember checking to see if he'd tightened the top.

When I empted the back of the pickup on the night before the accident I never noticed any oil leaks. I would of gone into a panic if I'd seen any oil leakage in the back of the pickup. thinking that it may cause an accident. But like I've said, The night before the accident, I never noticed any oil leaks.

My mind keeps telling me 'what if' there was an oil leak and drips from my vehicle caused an accident 24 hours later. Even though I never noticed any oil leaks the day before. I know i'm highly sensitive at the moment, and Think I need reassurance that it's the OCD playing up with me

19-05-12, 10:32
Hi davall

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