View Full Version : Missing ex

09-07-06, 18:34
BIZZARE. I feel a grief coming over me and I don't know why. This weekend I started thinking about my ex and it's hit me like a ton of bricks. We split up about 7 years ago as everything was against us being together although we loved each other. The split was amicable and we got on with our lives. He ended up geting married and having a kid which I was fine about then suddenly this week I'm thinking of him and missing him. I also realised I've kept a photo of him by my bed for 7 years.

09-07-06, 18:39
Hi there, how horrid for you, that awful gush coming over you? Has anything happened to make you feel bad today?Is it, maybe, the anniversary of your split? don't mean to pry. We all remember the good and the bad and have a cry at times. It is lovely that you are still friends, why not spoil yourself tonight, nice bath, nice food, maybe some chocolate? (naughty!) and see how things are tomorrow. xx

polly daydream
09-07-06, 18:50
Hi mate, know just how you feel, I split with an x 7 years ago also and still miss him, prob our friendship more than anything. It's strange isn't it, you are with them all that time, then suddenly that's it just like it never happened. I still have lot's of photos of him and one that I have just recently removed from my purse, my current boyfriend saw it and asked why I still carried one around with me, I just said I for got to remove it. Sorry waffling on there a bit. All I can say is just remember the good times you had with him, you will never forget him as once he was a big part of your life.

Best wishes,

Polly x

12-07-06, 18:18
I told my councellor about it today and she thinks it's because my needs aren't being fullfilled and he was the sweetest guy I'd ever been out with.