View Full Version : Insomnia help!!!

19-05-12, 20:34
I am taking 45mg of Mirtazapine and have just started taking 50mg Amitriptyline at night, which would make most people sleep for a week, but not me!!!

I suffer from GAD/SA/Panic Disorder

I have got into a really bad habit, I sleep for about 3 hours and then need to go to the toilet, once I am awake my stomach starts churning and I sometimes hyperventilate. I spend the rest of the night tossing and turning.

I have tried going to bed later and not drinking at night, so I don't have to go to the toilet, but I still only get 3 hours.
I play meditation/hypnotherapy CD's, count back from 1000.

I try to kid myself that I don't care, but my subconscious mind knows that I do, so that is not working.

Please please, can anyone give me some advice? - anything no matter how small, it just might help.


20-05-12, 14:56
have you try'd melatonin?

20-05-12, 16:45
have you try'd melatonin?
I appreciate your reply, I think I tried Melatonin a couple of years ago, but may have another go!:D

20-05-12, 19:50
I would have suggested 5HTP but I think you need to be careful with it if you're taking an antidepressant. I have had insomnia for most of my life, and 5HTP is about the only natural thing that helps me. Like you, I have tried everything. If insomnia is really bad it seems no amount of relaxation or meditation will help.

I must say I'm surprised your meds aren't helping you to sleep! When I took a tricyclic antidepressant before bed I used to be totally knocked out until morning!

20-05-12, 20:03
I would have suggested 5HTP but I think you need to be careful with it if you're taking an antidepressant. I have had insomnia for most of my life, and 5HTP is about the only natural thing that helps me. Like you, I have tried everything. If insomnia is really bad it seems no amount of relaxation or meditation will help.

I must say I'm surprised your meds aren't helping you to sleep! When I took a tricyclic antidepressant before bed I used to be totally knocked out until morning!

Yes, I can't believe that the tricyclics and tetracyclics are not knocking me out. The Mirtazapine used to, but not any more, on it's own it just gives me nightmares - come to think of it, might have been the nightmares that started the current bout of insomnia, that, or the fact that my mind never switches off, its buzzing.
Think I have just got to stop worrying about it, but I have anxiety, so I worry about everything - madness:blush:

Also Grotbags,
Thank for the tip on 5HTP, but you are right, not to be taken with antidepressants.