View Full Version : I cured myself but it came back :(

20-05-12, 09:07
Im 25 married with two children and 21 weeks pregnant with baby no.3. I have suffered panic attacks/agoraphobia mainly since 2009 but did get them before this time aswell.
I suffered for a while with panic attacks prior to 2009 but somehow after my first son was born I cured myself before having him I was housebound virtually and didnt go out just went to work etc I lived on the verge of an attack 24.7 whilst pregnant and it seemed to come out of nowhere. One of my biggest fears was hospitals but after spending three days in there with my son I realised I faced my biggest fear and somehow the crippling panic I had on a daily basis went away! I went on holidays ,got married and had my second son in jan 2009.
I then came down with labyrthintis in Sept 09 a middle ear virus which left me with vertigo and balance problems. This illness knocked me for six and did not go away in the promised one week by my doctor. I suffered so badly with dizziness I could not stand up and walk across a room for a month.
I had it quite badly for the first year and after many tests and brain scans was told the damage was done and I have compensated balance wise as much as I would. I managed to go on holiday in 2010 I drove the two hour journey on the motorway and looking back I do not know how I did it.
My panic attacks came back with a vengeance especially on holiday I felt so ill I just wanted to go home.
Im now nearly three years into my illness and would say Im 90% better but do still get vertigo attacks and dizziness. I feel mildly off balance everyday and probably always will.
I go to work and look after my kids and even go shopping but cant get around a supermarket unless my husband is with me or I have a panic attack and have to get out.
Im going on holiday tomorrow my husband does not drive so I have to drive its only 60 miles away from home but Im so scared its center parcs so you cant have your car next to your lodge which is my biggest fear knowing I cant just get in the car and go home easily.

I dont know how to cope with this as my kids are really looking forward to this holiday and I want to face my fear but I find if I walk far and Im anxious my legs go very light and i feel very very off balance. I know this is mainly from panic than my balance disorder. I did speak to my specialist about this and was told a lot of people with panic attacks probably do have a mild balance disorder and not know it.

Im so sorry it was long winded I think I will start a new thread on the holiday issue .

If you got this far thanks for reading x

20-05-12, 09:17
Hi tweetypie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-05-12, 09:28
i have the problem where my anxiety has come back. i think i am dealing iwht it wrong or something.

20-05-12, 18:39
I'm also returning as my anxiety levels have gone through the roof, i suffered awfully when pregnant with my 3rd child so really can sympathise with you there as well.
Feel free to PM me if you want to chat x

20-05-12, 18:44
I think I've mentioned this to you before Tweetypie, but I had an anxiety relapse triggered last year by labyrinthitis. Like you, I have never felt back to normal where balance is concerned. When my labyrinthitis started I assumed it was a return of the anxiety and I got sucked into it. I toppled over in public because I was so off balance and now I am unable to go out anywhere alone which is so frustrating.

Do you take any meds for your balance? In the book Phobia Free (which I think I mentioned to you in another post?) the doctor treats his patients with anti motion sickness tablets.

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

20-05-12, 18:54
Hi thanks for all your replys.
Grotbags I take amitriptyline 10mg as they think I now have migraine associted vertigo. I know my vertigo is not related to panic as I can roll over in bed and just have vertigo whilst totally relaxed. I also get ringing in my ears and have attacks they usually last a few days and then the dizziness calms down and goes away I still carry on with normal life throughout this.
I think Im now mildly agrophobic because of the dizziness as it causes panic attacks but I do go for meals and nights out etc and feel ok its only if Im far away from an escape like my car for example. Think this is why center Parcs has me so worried but I also get attacks in my car when trapped on a motorway or A road. Im doing a A road tomorrow X