View Full Version : Holidays and panic attacks? pls help!

20-05-12, 09:14
i have posted in the introduce yourself part on my story so far so will keep this short.
I go on holiday tomorrow to center parcs i have to drive its 60 miles I know I will feel panic even on the drive there Im trying very hard not to think about it and just face it when it comes.
Im more worried about being there and not having my car next to my lodge and feeling trapped. At Center Parcs you have to cycle or walk everywhere and Im terrified walking brings on panic attacks I go very light and off balance when walking and just go dizzy and its awful. My kids need this holiday and I dont want to back out I know how great I will feel when Ive been there and achieved something I thought I wouldnt/couldnt. An option is to hire bikes Im wondering if I could cope with a bike better any thoughts? Please help Im scared and want to back out :( The worst thing is I cant discuss these stupid thoughts with anyone I know my hubby will just say things like 'dont worry' or dont be silly' I know he thinks hes saying the right thing but it doesnt help and I dont think he knows how scared I am.

20-05-12, 09:20
Don't back out. Keep saying positive things to yourself and you'll get through it. Keep a diary while you're there it might help get rid of the worries.
Face your fear- go out for a walk, maybe a short one at first. Breath - learn abdominal breathing it's very helpful (put a hand on your stomach when you breath in push your stomach out, breath out stomach in). As you walk breath in the fresh air and allow it to fill you imagine it relaxing you. Listen to the sound of the birds, force yourself to smile.
Usually walking and nature makes me feel better. Maybe if you focus on your surrounds things outside your panic it will ease.
A lot of books say to face your fears, by taking small steps and writing down what happens. Maybe plan the walk before hand and write down what you will do if you feel pancy. Later write down how well you did and maybe what worked what didnt and try something else next time. What about listening to music?
It's far easier for me to give advice to someone than follow it for myself but I have tried writing the plan thing down and positive thinking helps.

all you can really do is go there and do it. you can do it

20-05-12, 09:44
Thankyou jen for your helpful words. Its very frightening wanting to not do something through sheer fear and wanting to do it to face your fear. My worst thought is having an attack whilst there.
I do not suffer PA on a daily basis just in certain situations. I wish I had someone to talk to about it but no one around me understands just hate life sometimes x

20-05-12, 10:22
Holidays and panic attacks are verry common...just try think how good it will fell when you get back home

20-05-12, 11:24
Hiya tweetypie - I read your introduction post on the site. You've done so well overcoming everything in the past. It does sound like you have a lot of responsibility, ie being the only driver. I'm hoping that your husband understands your situation?

I've been agoraphobic for many, many years and, to a degree, managed to live a normalish life but having setbacks. I too had labyrinthitis and it scared the living daylights out of me - it's totally different to the panic attack dizziness that I'd previously experienced. Like you though, I think I got myself into a vicious circle - I was so cautious about everything that I did, almost feeling like I was walking on a tightrope, because I was scared that the labyrinthitis would come back. This made me more and more tense and I would more often than not experience "panic" dizziness as opposed to vertigo dizziness.

I agree with everything that Jenwales has said. Something that worked for me years ago (I can't drive) was I'd take my bike if I needed to go further than 10 mins away from home, if I felt calmish I would ride it, if not I would push it! It gave me some support, a bit like when I used to push my daughter in her pram/pushchair. I realise you'd be slowing your family down but it would be something for you to hold on to should you feel the need? Also, have you ever tried the Bach Rescue Remedy? That has helped me in the past.

Last thing (I'm waffling now!) I was getting myself really worked up about a trip I was due to make to Gloucestershire at the beginning of the month. I was feeling really panicky, upset stomach and all the "what if's" before hand. The thought of travelling 5 or 6 hours in a car, something I haven't done for over 12 years, was terrifying. My brother-in-law was driving my sister and I down there. Well, I got in the car, was waiting to feel awful and expecting to have to say " I don't feel well, can I go back" and, believe it or not, the journey was fine and I was fine!! And the same on the way back home again. So, I reckon you and I have already set up a scenario of "what if's" in our heads, and the actual experience isn't going to be as bad as we first thought!

Sorry to have gone on but I think, if you follow Jenwales' advice, try to calm yourself beforehand, you'll be fine - I do hope so!



23-05-12, 19:58
You must face your fears and try to get rid of your panic attack problems! First off, you should actually try walking little by little everyday. Remember, you need to tell your body you are not afraid of walking and that you will not panic because of something so small.

Once the body understands that walking is perfectly normal it will respond accordingly and treat it just like any other easy activity.

Do you exercise often? It could be that you go out of breath due to a poor diet or simply not getting out enough. Walking may even be foreign to you if your body cannot handle it.