View Full Version : How can I get over my anxiety and go home?

20-05-12, 11:50
Hi everyone. Im at the point at the moment where I cant even step foot in my new house without having a panic attack.

If you've read my posts you'll have read I became obsessed with it being haunted as only I was ever cold.

This doesn't seem to be bothering me as much now as I have had a break away at my mums.

But it has left me with terrible panic attacks every time I go in it. It doesn't feel mine, like our home. I don't feel like I have a home. I miss my boyfriend terribly though and it's making me depressed. It's also splitting our family up as our daughter is with me. I hate the way life is just now but I can't stand the feeling the house gives me.

I'm gonna end up losing everything. Please help me.

20-05-12, 14:11
have the house blessed
god bless