View Full Version : Heya

20-05-12, 14:30
My name is Dylan, I am 18 years old, sufferer of constant anxiety brought on by Panic Disorder, as well as depression and fibromyalgia. I just feel so lost right now. So here I am, I found this site while I was self-diagnosing (a big no-no :( ) Right now in terms of medication I am taking Fluoxetine.

So uhh... thanks for reading I guess.

20-05-12, 14:41
Hi deejay94

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-05-12, 14:41
A huge warm :welcome: to NMP.

You'll receive lots of advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the articles on the left for advice and post on the forum for support.

Best Wishes

Di x

20-05-12, 18:55
Hey Dylan! I'm new too. I also suffer from depression but also fibromyalgia... or M.E.... I've been diagnosed with both lol. But yes, it means I can empathise quite a lot. Am always here if you need to chat x

20-05-12, 19:18
Hello and welcome. I have M.E., panic disorder, agoraphobia and have suffered from resulting depression pretty badly in the past.