View Full Version : head aches and scared

adam stone
20-05-12, 15:40
Hi I no I have posted about this before but I am again cos I'm scared to death bout it I'm having head aches and have been having them for four months now it started when I was playing xbox and I put it down to that but it wasn't as I stoped playing and the head aches didn't I do suffer wi anxiety and have for many years but when the head aches came I was ok with the anxiety any way after weeks of pain the panic attacks came back I went to docs n he said stress and anxiety I didn't believe him since then I sometimes wake up wi head aches usually in the middle a my head r just above my forehead I have also started getting eye floaters like shooting stars now and then this really isn't normal I'm due to have another mri scan soon but there horible the last one I had I freaked out and came out hence why I'm booked for another one surley anxiety can't give u head aches like this u wouldn't wake up wi em and get them every day I'm so scared

adam stone
22-05-12, 22:26
And now I've noticed that my head hurts when I strain as well like I was trying to loosen a nut on my car today and it hurt my head its same when I strain on the loo as well some on please respond if u can relate to it

blue moon
22-05-12, 23:54
Hi Adam.have you ask Doctor about cluster headaches,it sounds like it.Have you been drinking plenty water that also can give debilitating headache.Hope you feel well soon.
Love Petra x

adam stone
23-05-12, 17:08
Hiya doctor says its stress and anxiety but I find it hard to believe with it been for so long but I dunno wat to do x

23-05-12, 17:37
Since my anxiety started i get eye floaters every day! i was petrified at first!

i see, floating lights, flashing lights which take up my whole vision for a spit second, lines in my vision, the whole lot, and when im stressed or anxious i get headaches so bad i can barely keep my eyes open.x

adam stone
23-05-12, 17:55
I get same wi floaters but get head aches every day some times they last minutes others they last ages and now I get a presure like head haces x

adam stone
24-05-12, 12:46
I wake up niticing pains in my head there so strange they come and go really hard to explain but I do get them every day most a time feels like there in middle a my head at top and others above r around my forhead and I have patches on my head that r sore to touch propper scared and can't get the though of brain tumour out a my head

adam stone
02-06-12, 20:27
And now it feels like presure it hurts when I move well some move ments like bending and hurts if I cough r shout I'm propper scared