View Full Version : Panic / hyperventilating at work

20-05-12, 15:57
I've been struggling with this latest round of panic attacks for about a year and a half. I've experienced them on and off for about 15 years - a few years reprieve and then they start up again. This last round, I learned a great deal about panic attacks and why they happen. I've done CBT, tried meditation, diaphragmatic breathing, tried accepting my symptoms (hard, but sometimes it works), take Xanax on occasion.

My biggest trigger is work. Especially going to a meeting at work, or even going to the bathroom - because I've had panic attacks there in the past. I'm really struggling with how to cope with them at work. I work in a very active office and I feel like I have to be at my best all of the time, with people dropping by my desk with questions and impromptu 'quick' meetings that go on for an hour.

I start to feel light-headed and then I think "oh no, this is the start of a panic attack. I can't leave. How do I get out of here." Throughout the day, I can be mindful of my breathing and cope by slowing down my breath. But I've noticed that in meetings or when someone is talking to me, I get tense and start breathing erratically or holding my breath. From there, I can get full of panic attacks where I am breathing heavily, get palpitations, and feel confused. I start feeling a bit uncoordinated and I can't think properly. I start to feel like I will fall over, pass out, not know how to get home. Once it gets really intense, I feel exhausted and really can't go on with the day.

Do other people get this confusion feeling?

Do others have ways of breathing properly - even when you get distracted? Like I said, if I think about it, I can breathe properly, but once I get distracted by a meeting, I start to breath weird and I only notice that when I start feeling light-headed and well on my way to a full blown panic attack.


20-05-12, 16:33
Hi, I know exactly where you are coming from here. I think that subconsciously, in a meeting you are somewhat 'trapped' and feel that all eyes would be on you should you go into panic mode. I always sit near to the exit at meetings just in case I get that feeling and need to slip out somewhat un-noticed. Try to focus on something in the room or out the window to distract your mind...it takes a bit of practise and is not always successful, but you may find it helps. The thing is you probably think people notice your anxiety, in fact most of the time they probably don't, you just feel so self-conscious. Then you focus more on how you are feeling and the vicious circle of panic starts. You are doing well with the breathing but don't over do it. Nothing bad is actually going to happen to you, your mind just 'prepares' your body for the fear and gets it ready to fight or escape. That is when the panic comes. If you can tell yourself it's ok, it's just anxiety and I will be fine, it might help you a little too. My therapist told me that 1 in 4 people visit their GP's surgey for an anxiety related disorder.....would you be able to spot anyone feeling how you do? I don't think I would.....:shrug:

Anyway, I guess you probably know all this already but good luck. Stay positive!! Kitti :)

22-05-12, 22:43
Thanks Kitti, I really appreciate that you responded! :) I'll try to stay positive.