View Full Version : Fight or flight?

21-05-12, 08:19
Another anxious 24 hours as I have booked myself onto a business trip that means just one night away from home, so why does it feel like a lifetime? Complete and utter panic all weekend worrying about it. I have done it before, so why the fear factor now?:mad:

21-05-12, 08:29
Hi EastbourneGuy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-07-16, 04:43
I totally get how you are feeling. I am about to leave to go on a series of flights whihc is going to total up to 21 hours of flying. I have the worst anxiety with airports, not so much flying but mainly with the airport itself. I am freaking out right now. I know that this isn't helpful but maybe knowing you aren't alone might be??

Purple Llama
09-07-16, 16:59
It's difficult isn't it when the anxiety just won't go away. Not only have you got the business trip to think about, but also the relentless horrible panic feeling that is accompanying it. That's a lot.
Personally, I found it helpful when I finally recognised that I was in constant self defence mode as I felt threatened by virtually everything all the time! Once I realised I was doing this, and that, it just wasn't necessary, this was an enormous help to me. Although first, you do have to accept that you are under no threat/danger and believe it.
Try and identify exactly what it is about the trip that's inducing the anxiety. Once you feel you have pinpointed this , assess the likelihood of it actually occurring. If you genuinely feel that it is quite likely - think about exactly what you can do in that circumstance. Thinking it through and having a logical plan of action can be a calming process, rather than trying to ignore it and make it 'go away'. Remember that none of us are perfect and that what you are dealing with is probably more common than you think! Hope you are ok on the trip.

09-07-16, 17:52
I think the anticipation is far worse than the actual trip. Once you're doing it, you'll find it's not nearly as bad as you feared and you'll cope well.