View Full Version : terrifying thoughts about my health.

21-05-12, 11:05
hey guys i had a really good week recently, started exercising and socialising again, but ive slowly felt the anxiety creeping back up on me which causes me symptoms or i just randomly get symptoms again like weakness numbness and weird feeling around the head area/dizziness.. ive found myself doing silly stuff too like i came out of the shower this morning and i had my dirty clothes in my hands so i was going to put them in the washing machin.. i walked into the kitchen and put my clothes in the bin :S me being me i worried about this and thought i was losing my mind haha still freaked out about it, anyway any techniques anyone can share to make me stop thinking negatively and focus on beating anxiety, thanks.

-kevin :flowers::wacko:

21-05-12, 11:17
Classic anxiety! When your emotional brain goes into overload your rational brain doesn't get a look-in, short-term memory loss is an inevitable result.

I learnt this during my CBT sessions last year. I had the same as you have now and I was cured. Practice 7/11 breathing (again.)

21-05-12, 11:52
Hello, what is 7/11 breathing please? Thank you

21-05-12, 12:03
I think its breath in for the count of 7 and breath out for the count of 11.

30-05-12, 21:37
Hey Kev, long time no speak - I hope you're feeling better. If it's any consolation, I've been doing things like that and really worrying that it's yet another sign that I'm losing it, but then on Sunday, my husband couldn't even remember the word "washing line" and my daughter (who's only 7) went to put her dirty clothes in the freezer, then the bin, instead of the washing machine, so we all do it, more often than we realise when we feel "normal" but we pay more attention to it when we don't feel right and think it's a sign of something more serious.

I'm forever asking my daughter if she wants "shampoo or shower gel" to wash her body when she's in the bath instead of "soap or shower gel" and both my husband and I always call her Sylvanian Families windmill a lighthouse.

31-05-12, 19:26
Yes kevin we all do silly things like that! I think it's so funny when other people make these mistakes...not so funny when I do it because I will automatically start to think "oh no, something must be wrong with my brain!". Also, all those weird senstations..I get them constantly (especially the weird head feelings). Even when I feel I'm doing better and going out more, ect I still feel the random anxiety symptoms. My problem is that I have never fully accepted that those feelings are just anxiety, hence why they keep on coming.