View Full Version : New Job

21-05-12, 11:32
Hi Guys

Just wondering if anyone has had the following experience.

I have been offered a job over the telephone after a successful interview.

It is with the Local Authorities...working in a Call Centre

I am delighted at the thought of getting back to work but I am anxious they might decline me because of my health due to Anxiety. I did have some time off in my previous job due to this. They have not asked me about my health yet only said the job is subject to references. My family and friends said everything will be fine but thought I would post this for some feedback......

Many Thanks:unsure:

21-05-12, 15:01

Congratulations! What an amazing feeling it is when you get yourself a job.

Realistically, I would be totally honest with them and tell them that you do deal with anxiety and whatever else just to ensure that there fully aware. As your employer, it is their duty to ensure that you're looked after and comfortable whilst in their care.

I personally think that this will not affect your job, I really hope everything pans out for you. Well done you!

All the best,

21-05-12, 16:57
Hi Becky

Many thanks for your reply you put a smile on my face...:D

Thank you so much for your kind words they are very much appreciated.

My anxious mind is telling me when they find out you suffer from stress and anxiety they will reject you. So it is great to get a more positive thought from yourself. Thanks again Becky I will keep you posted on the outcome.

I hope all is well with you and I send best wishes and thoughts to you...

Thanks Again

21-05-12, 22:01

No problem!

I'm really pleased that I was able to help someone... Let me know how it goes!

All the best,

21-05-12, 22:33
That's great news :yesyes: Congratulations!!

I agree with Becky, be honest, you don't have to go into major detail, just if they ask, say something like I have suffered anxiety in the past, but I am fine and ready for a new challenge. They cannot discriminate against you because of your anxiety and they do have a duty of care to employees too. I wish you the very best of luck in your new job and I'm sure it will be a great turning point for you in your recovery.

All the best, Kitti :)

21-05-12, 22:52
Hi there,

First, congratulations. It's a fantastic achievement. Don't worry, employers can't ask about previous sickness records anymore - the law changed a couple of years ago. That's not to stop you telling them if you want to. Just judge for yourself if you think it's appropriate.

Just take your time and enjoy your job. Although a new challenge can be daunting, it's also a great chance to make a positive change and work can be an excellent distraction.

Take care and good luck


22-05-12, 10:34
@Kitti - Many thanks for your reply Kitti that was very kind and supportive. I am someone who thrives on encouragement and when I get it I feel stronger. :yesyes: All the replies I have had have positive and reassuring. I really do appreciate the feedback. I will keep you posted on how things turn out but I do agree that hopefully it will be a distraction I need. Many thanks again....Steven xx:)

@ Pip - Really the same as above Pip you have been very kind and your post has made me feel a lot better. Many thanks for your reply and like Kitti and Becky you have helped me lots. I am glad to hear they don't probe too much into past jobs as I did have time off for my anxiety. I do agree though this is a new challenge that I am ready to take on , I know anxiety will still be with me but I think in a whole it something I need in my life just now. Many thanks again and I will keep you posted...Steven xx:)

22-05-12, 22:08
Hi! I'm new to this forum (not new to lurking). I went through a similar situation recently. Was signed off sick with anxiety and depression caused by work-related stress and then offered another job. When the references went through I was asked about my reason for being off sick and I was totally honest about it.. I then had to see Occupational Health with the new company prior to starting the new job - this was to ensure I received any help and support I may require, the meeting went well and wasn't anxiety inducing at all.

Hope this helps to put your mind at rest about what could happen next. Best of luck!!

23-05-12, 07:38
Hi Wildatheart

Many thanks for your post it is really appreciated and it does help me a lot. I feel better hearing people have had similar experiences and can offer help. It also helps me rationalize my anxious thoughts. I am quite to new to the forum as well but I must say I have found it very helpful to me and have had some really supportive fellow anxiety sufferers help me. I would like to welcome you to the forum and hope you get as much help as I do. Many thanks again for your kind words
