View Full Version : Quitting the evil weed!!

Silly Blonde
10-07-06, 09:46
I have been feeling really bad recently - I have put it down to reducing my meds, ie my heartburn has been back with a vengeance and IBS has been awful too (yes Boy - I too get very soft stools!!!!).

A strange thing happened this morning - woke up and had my usual fag with a cup of tea - and then when I got to work I suddenly decided I wasn't going to smoke again!! Sprinted to Boots and am now sitting here with my first patch on!!! Made the mistake of reading the side effects though - anxiety, heartburn etc etc.

It just seemed silly that I worry and worry about cancer etc, yet I wasn't helping by smoking!!

Just hope I can keep off them!!!

SB xx

10-07-06, 09:58

Excellant news, good luck on giving up smoking!! The same thing happened to me six years ago, I just woke up one morning and decided to give up smoking, I used the patches and haven't had a fag since!! You must remember when you do give up, you will feel dizzy, and that is only due to the fact that more oxygen is going to your brain, but that is a GREAT thing!! So don't panic cause that is the only reason and your body has to get used to it!! If you can carry on for a week, I promise you will feel alot better and whilst you are doing this it will take your mind off your anxiety!!!!

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

sarah x

10-07-06, 11:23
Hi there

Well done. I'm similar in a way as I too spend a lot of time worrying about the harm cigarettes can do (usually when I'm smoking one!!). Have got patches from GP and a 'dummy' cig so have something to play with but haven't plucked up the courage yet to have a go!!! Not sure if smoking helps my anxiety or is one of the root causes of health anxiety. Alan Carr the Stop Smoking Guru swears that smoking just make nerves really bad. Hoping I'll be spurred on by your posting and have a go real soon at giving up the evil weed.


10-07-06, 12:50
Nice one for deciding to stop! I used the patches & never got heartburn etc. Just occasional erotic dreams [:I]
Smoking just causes more problems than us with anxiety needs. I know not everyone gets it because of smoking, but i ended up with gum disease & like the dentist said, my teeth are fine, it was caused by the smoking & it made sense because i slipped off the wagon and started smoking just weekends & it was within a couple of weeks the nasty taste & puffy gums started.
Stick with it, the patches are quality! Its true the dizziness passes after a bit & i found within 3 weeks the cravings (which the patches stopped 90% anyway) stopped by about week 3.
Who doesnt worry about cigarettes being the death of them??? And lets face it, 1 out of 2 of smokers will die from smoking. Lets not be one of those statistics.
You can do it! Be strong. The energy you have is fab! And the money you end up with is better than i ever calculated to be honest :D
Caz xxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

Silly Blonde
10-07-06, 14:33
Thanks guys. Well its been over 6 hours and I don't actually feel that bad!! Not really craving them as such, just thought about when I would normally be having one (if that makes sense!!). Damn thing is taped to my arm now - kept sliding off - probably due to liberal application of self-tanning moisuriser stuff!!!!

I had the heartburn all last week - so not sure why I connected it to the patches!! Its just the old anxiety thing again I guess!!! I didn;t really want to do everything in one go - wanted to come off my meds and then the fags, but coming off the meds aint that nice (heartburn back etc etc) and so thought I'd distract myself with quitting the fags! Hopefully they will cancel each other out so I don;t notice any withdrawals from either!!

I have read too that cigarettes don't really help anxiety in the longterm. I suppose they are a bit like reassurance!!! We keep coming back for more but they don't help long-term!!

I'll let you know how I get on!!!

SB xx