View Full Version : Confused

21-05-12, 12:44
I already posted in the anxiety forum but nor sure if I am depressed or what.

Complicated background but won't go I to that again. Started citalopram 20 in sep and felt awful to begin with...anxiety attacks, tears, sleepy, lack of motivation but then after a couple of months I felt like me again.

Things have happened in my life recently (and I have some tough stuff to face over the coming months) and my GP put me up to 40mg a week ago. I was feeling pretty low before then anyway but today I just can't get motivated, keep crying, feel anxious, can't eat and feel like I can't face the world at all. I feel so low and so lonely.

I don't know if this is anxiety, depression or side effects of increase but I know I am going out of my mind and just want it to go.please help x

21-05-12, 14:52
Hi Glitterbugs,
I have taken Citalopram in the past.
It sounds like side effects from your increase, could you try braking your tablet in half and taking 30mg, to see if this has any effect.
If you don't see any improvement then, go back to your GP.
Or even ring your surgery and ask to speak to your doctor on the telephone when he is finished with appointements.:hugs:

21-05-12, 16:22
Thanks. I think it is that. Dr ringing me shortly and have appointment Wednesday. Feel shocking though. X