View Full Version : coping strategies

21-05-12, 14:24
Hi all

Having a rough day today.

Ive never been good on days off, too much time alone and i get wound up. Normally if things get too much I nap, or eat lots. Thing is, I'm going thorugh cbt therapy, ive recently started a diet....so that rules out eating....and my therapist want me to stop napping and face the feelings and anxiety. I dont actually know how to do this. I cant focus on anything, ive tried doing work, tv, games, and cant bring myself to do the housework.

Any ideas would be nice as i really dont want to fail at this.


21-05-12, 14:31
What about going out for a walk or going out to the shop Jac.:D

21-05-12, 14:32
Tried that earlier, went out and did my shopping, didnt make me anymore productive or cheery when i got back unfortunately

21-05-12, 14:57

Do you know what I find always helps me? It's just a suggestion, so bare with me. I always find that writing really helps me. Whatever kind of writing you're into, even if it's a short story, poetry or a daily journal; writing is a really good way to release the negative energy and get it out of your system so to speak.

What are things that you usually enjoyed doing? Cutting yourself off from these things in my opinion is not beneficial as you're not going to give yourself a chance to enjoy what you did enjoy before. With depression and being a sufferer myself, I understand that most of it is just a lack of motivation caused by the depression, thus not allowing you to enjoy things and see the world for what it really is.

I have a blog: www.beckybowerenspiller.wordpress.com which is really useful and full of tips and tricks for depression.

If you need anything else, let us know.

All the best,

21-05-12, 15:08

To be honest that why I wrote the post, as typing it out sometimes helps release it all. Ive tried keeping journals in the past without sucess. My therapist says to do the things I enjoy even if I dont enjoy them at the time....easier said than done. I just seem to have lost my motivation today and thats what annoys me.

21-05-12, 15:18

It's totally normal to lose motivation whilst fighting depression. Believe me, depression likes to keep you like a recluse and takes away any joy in things you used to enjoy doing.

Have you tried meditation? Although your therapist said avoiding naps is key, meditation is the best way to relax and to reflect on the current situation you're in with a rational mind. I myself, meditate frequently and as a sufferer of depression I can assure you that it does help.

All the best,

21-05-12, 15:54
is there vany cds you can recomend. i have several relaxation tapes which i find it impossible to do


21-05-12, 18:15
Hi all

Having a rough day today.

Ive never been good on days off, too much time alone and i get wound up. Normally if things get too much I nap, or eat lots. Thing is, I'm going thorugh cbt therapy, ive recently started a diet....so that rules out eating....and my therapist want me to stop napping and face the feelings and anxiety. I dont actually know how to do this. I cant focus on anything, ive tried doing work, tv, games, and cant bring myself to do the housework.

Any ideas would be nice as i really dont want to fail at this.


Honey so sorry to hear that you are having a rubbish day. I am trying to remember the things you used to say to help me when I was feeling like this.

My tips for what it they are worth:
1 Don't be too hard on yourself and expect too much
2 I find repetive tasks soothing, knitting, patience, bubble shooter, whatever takes your fancy, nothing that requires thought for me though
3 Remember that it is ok to be down or depressed and that it will pass
4 If all else fails you know where I am if you want to chat/rant/whatever.

Hugs xxx

21-05-12, 20:07
Below is a link to an audio meditation full body scan. Give it a try you have nothing to loose.
:bighug1:LINK: Full Body Scan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aoOlUWO_ak)

21-05-12, 20:54
These are all good responses. Writing in particular does help me. I sleep a lot when I want to avoid stuff, or play games to numb myself. Watching really good dramas can be a gentle way of reflecting on your own life - pick something that deals with depression/anxiety and have a good cry.

Making something is really positive, even if what you end up creating is a bit scary.

I used to draw out the images of suicide that haunted me, which were pretty horrible. Taking them out of my mind and into the physical world helped me face myself.

Alternatively, stuff like knitting, where you follow patterns of making something, is a simple pleasure to many people. I make little dolls:http://english.aranziaronzo.com/

Oh and another thing - maybe cook something for yourself within your diet? Something elaborate but do-able. Then you can take pleasure from eating something you've made :)

Good luck, so many of us have days like this.

21-05-12, 21:02
Thank you all

I ended up playing the sims on computer then catching up on soaps on telly, none of which were productive but allowed my brain to veg out....not hugely successful though.

Unfortunately I think o id like to do this, or that but i just cant brring myself to do it, lack of motivation...i get stuck in the cycle of thinking about what i should be doing.

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

o and with meditation....Ive tried that in the past too.....lack of focus / concentration allows my brain to ponder things it shouldnt. Music does help though, I'm always listening to music