View Full Version : Haemmoroids and fatigue

21-05-12, 15:26
Hi all,

I posted a few weeks ago about "spots" in the anal canal which I stupidly found through self examination. I have been told on 3 occasions by the doctor I suffer with piles and IBS but cannot get the idea of the rectal/bowel cancer out of my head. I'm two weeks into using the creams to "shrink" them but no such luck...probably with me messing with them, once even trying to push it back in myself which lead to 3 days of pain :-( In the last week I'm now exhausted all of the time, can't be bothered to go to the gym (used to go 5 times a week)....can this be related with worrying non-stop or be a symptom of something more serious along with the spots in the anal canal? I'm so sick of panicking/worrying thinking I have cancer at 24 :-(

Any advice/help would be so appreciative?
I've spoken to the doctor over the phone last week and he's said he isn't worried as it's been confirmed piles on 2 different occasions and I had bloods taken and stool samples taken last June/July which came back clear. Feel like I'm going mad and actually believe I've got something now :-( Ruining my life at 24 worrying about this...can me suddenly stopping exercise make me exhausted too?

Like I said appreciatiate any comments, however blunt

21-05-12, 15:33
Its definately piles i admit to having them on off for the past few years and is caused myself from my anxiety related ibs times or other times but who knows.

Im not a medical professional so id trust with what they say but i think you just need to learn to listen to them as id say its nothing to worry about and something ive had in the past and yes i worried about everything else possible until they vanished a few weeks later

21-05-12, 15:38
I need to learn to start listening to them, without seeing them face to face or having examinations, my mind wanders but I can't go through life having constant medical examinations when there are people with serious symptoms of something needing my appointment.
Just can't get my head around the tiredness 24/7, not going to the gym, having stomach issues all the time (which I know must deep down be related to my IBS as I've been eating terribly aswell, I tend to over eat when my anxiety is bad to prove I've still got energy- random I know)
One haemmoroid at the entry is very painful but think because of where it's positioned and the other in the canal shrinks but grows occasionally (think depending if i'd been straining) but isn't painful. Just want it to go away and feel normal for one day :-(

21-05-12, 15:51
Anxiety makes you really tired its all the tension. Believe the GPs that you have piles and nothing more serious


21-05-12, 16:00
Mate i completely understand where you are. My gym work has gone down the drain and if its not my stomach its my finger if not that its my head its always something. I dont use doctors an i think i should prob more to reassure but your right we cant go through our lifes in and out of doctors surgeries because before to long our lifes would of flashed before our eyes thing is if something ever does happen god forbid what has all these years of worrying done?? Nothing just made us ruin the good moments we could of enjoyed. Its easy for me to say but i need to believe. Id advise forcing yourself into the gym thats what im going to do as ive put on so much weight which doesnt help my health. It will go down just takes a period of time but dont let it stop you from going to the gym even to do something less painful physical helps the mental.