View Full Version : In the paper today

10-07-06, 13:38
I didn't really know where to post this, but I thought it was positive so I'm putting it here.

The government are running trials on giving kids classes on how to be happy. I think that that is tremendous. They will use CBT techniques amongst other things to try to counter anti-social behaviour, peer group pressure, bullying and the myriad of troubles and insecurities that adolescents have after it was found that depression amonst children has shot up by 70% recently!!!

I was very depressed as a child and it's only now that I am starting to have any idea of how to be happy.

i think these classes could have a major impact on anti-social behaviour, vandalism, substance abuse, domestic violence.... even encouraging more kids into sport and so reducing the Great British unhealthy lifestyle of fry-up, beer, smoking and vegging out infront of the telly.

I'm going to try and find someone to write to and give them a big pat on the back!!!!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

10-07-06, 14:08
Sounds great! really good idea too. anti-social behaviour here in the uk is def on the up, so anything to tackle the problem is a bonus!

emma chant
10-07-06, 16:00
What a brilliant idea.

e chant

10-07-06, 16:29
A good idea I think - as if you are happy you are less likely to want to vandalise etc etc.

Have to say in my day we just ran around from dawn till dusk wearing our coats like capes with a jam buttie in one pocket and a tupperware of cordial in the other.

We sharpened lolly sticks by lying on the roundabout and spining round with the stick on the tarmac. We were grubby and ruffled by the time we got home for tea and a bath and life was smashing. Ooh those were the days!!!!:D:D:D

Piglet xxxxxxxx