View Full Version : Worried about Clots Again.

22-05-12, 01:22
I can't believe I am so worried about this, but I seem to keep seeing blood clots popping up everywhere. On every tv commercial about medication, in several news stories, so it keeps popping up in my head.

Earlier I was walking and I walked into the corner of my cedar chest/drawers with my knee towards the left side on the leg left...It never left a big mark, maybe just slightly pinkish right where I hit, though I did feel the shockwave go down the leg. I guess I am wondering, is it possible that inside I could have damaged a blood vessel enough to cause a clot, or possibly somehow damaged something on the interior of the leg even though I can't see much on the outside of the knee. It feels...slightly tight maybe, but other than that not much. Also I am only 21, with no outside medications other than vitamins.

22-05-12, 11:54
mate im 22 and i worry about blood clots too even though my blood is actually quite thin!

Just try and not think about it, do some exercise.

24-05-12, 05:28
remember chris ur mind can think whatever it wants to think which leads ur body to believe this, u dont have a blood clot, u have thoughts that manifest into anxiety then to symptoms. take care and ill chat to u soon.


24-05-12, 08:13
Clots are good for you, if you didn't clot you would internally bleed to death when bruised. The only time when it is a problem is when you get deep vein trombosis and I have a friend who has a clotting disorder that gets it all the time. You will KNOW if you have it she told me as there is a long painful lump the size of a sausage running up her leg. It is no big deal for her she gets it treated when it happens with injections.

There is nothing wrong with you, a little bruise is normal.