View Full Version : So scared.

22-05-12, 08:05
I really don't think this is anxiety. I wake up feeling sick, stiff, tingling etc. My right arm is constantly tingly/prickly/feels odd and like i have no co ordination in it and weaker than my left. My body keeps feeling prickly and weird sensations and i am soo tired. I am scared it's something to do with my brain. I don't even feel anxious and i am getting worse. I am going to make an appt with my gp and ask for bloods done and to see if they will referr me to a neurologist. My shoulder blade feels stiff and sore so does snyone know if this could cause numbness/tingling etc in arms and legs. I constantly feel sick and i don't fancy big meals and i am just picking at rubbish. I have had anxiety in the past but this feels different, but i feel once the gp knows you suffer with this you just get fobbed off.

22-05-12, 08:21
hi zippy,
Sorry you are feeling so bad today, of course you should go to your gp if you think that will help ease your worry, but i just wanted to tell you that my anxiety started with the symptoms you are describing, i wasnt worrying about anything in particular then all of a sudden i had tingling and numbness down my left arm, i was very scared and after that i got many other symptoms, i wont bore you with them all but my gp has been very good i have had bloods done, a ct and mri of the neck and brain, a neck and chest xray and heart trace and in the end the only diagnosis he could give was anxiety and depression as everything else was clear.
So go to your gp but remember that anxiety can cause a whole lot of very scary physical symptoms whether you feel ok mentally or not.
Good luck :bighug1:

22-05-12, 08:24
Hi Zippy

I cannot comment on individual symptoms, however from your posts over the past week or so it would appear that your HA has taken a grip again.

I feel that the way forward is for you and your GP to recognise this and work out a suitable plan of treatment.

Perhaps printing off your posts would be a good place to start.

Good luck

22-05-12, 08:40
Hi Zippy,
Sorry you're feeling so bad.
Ditto to the above responses, I've had a barrage of tests for things like MS and adrenal problems - stress and anxiety can do awful, unexplainable but very real things to your body.
Definately get them checked out by a Dr and have the tests if necessary but don't rule out anxiety being the cause.
Much love and hugs