View Full Version : Itchy and burning feet last night :((

22-05-12, 09:56
Help! Anyone else get itchy skin all over and last night my feet where burning like mad!!

22-05-12, 10:33
Yes. The cause for both is likely to be hyperventilation. Your blood stream is getting plenty of oxygen but not enough carbon dioxide to transport it. This won't harm you but the sensations, as you describe, are rather unpleasant. It is something you do without realising and you can be doing it silently. Practise 7/11 breathing several times a day. In for 7 through your nose, pause, out through pursed lips for 11. Breathe with your diaphragm (lower down) and not your thorax. With practice this more desirable slower, deeper method of breathing will become an unconscious habit.

22-05-12, 11:39
Thanks jules :) been worrying about it! Xx

22-05-12, 11:42
i get this too drives me mad didnt relise i was hyperveniting sorry cant spell it

22-05-12, 11:46
Hi, Jules147, thanks for the tip re 7/11 breathing. Have seen other posts mentioning this but wasn't sure what it was.

22-05-12, 12:09
My CBT therapist told me that while you are counting as you breathe you aren't worrying! Count to 7 as you breathe in, pause, count to 11 as you breathe out. Pursing the lips slows the rate of exhalation.