View Full Version : Shutdown

22-05-12, 10:37
My prevoius depressive episode was much more weeping and wailing.

This time, it seems more like I'm shutting down and blocking everything out. This helps with the anxiety but is it "good"?

22-05-12, 14:15

I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a depressive period, I know how difficult they can be so I can totally sympathize with the situation you're in.

Sometimes, blocking everything out can cause temporary relief but in the long run, will it benefit you? The best thing you can do, which has been proven by psychiatrists and in a lot of self help books I've read is throw yourself into that difficult situation and try and make the best out of it. It'll be difficult and it will hurt you and your anxiety will peak, but always remember that the anxiety will settle like dust after a blaze when it's all done.

Have you tried meditating? I find that meditation and having some time to reflect on issues is a really good exercise which can benefit you greatly.

All the best,

23-05-12, 09:28
Thanks B. I'll try anything!

23-05-12, 09:40
I'm really sorry to hear you're at such a low point *hugs*. It's a really hard situation you're in, I found the breathing/clenching fist exercises mentioned in Problems/Issues>General Anxiety>Tips for Dealing with Anxiety and Panic really helpful. I cannot link yet because I don't have enough posts (as yet) :)

If you can find something to distract yourself with helps too, or talking to someone can take your mind off off things for awhile, sharing eases the burden. Take care of yourself, my thoughts are with you.