View Full Version : Visual/occular migraines

22-05-12, 15:55
Here is my concern, after years of Migraines with Aura, every couple of months, they have now changed to just visual migraine (just the zig zag lines for about 20 mins) about 4-5 times a week.told the doc, who didnt seem unduly concerned, just upped my Amytrip from 10mg to 20mg a day and propranlol, from 20mg daily to 60 mg daily. This increase in the symptomns seems to coincide with having a very stiff neck and shoulder for which I started physio & osteopathy, question anyone else had this, and how long does Propranlol take to kick in, am trying really hard not to panic, and worry about strokes or Brain tumour.
Thanks peeps

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

Anyone am I really alone with this symptom

22-05-12, 21:23
No, you are not alone! I have had two occurrences in the last five months, so not as many as you, but my GP was likewise not in the least bit concerned. My case is perhaps strange in that I never had migraines, yet I have now developed migraine auras without the pain, just the zig-zag lines which last, like yours, for about 15-20 mins. The first time it happened I was very frightened and went to the hospital, fearing the worst, but the doctor in A&E was very reassuring and said that they were most likely migraine auras without the pain and nothing to worry about. I know that's easier said than done, but let's try! Hugs from Annie

22-05-12, 22:11
I sometimes get the silvery zig-zag lines too, lasting about 30 mins with no pain, they started about 2 years ago - although I do get menstrual migraines too without any aura. Its not something I worry about as I know its just a form of migraine - don't think you need to worry either, especially as you have already seen the doc.

22-05-12, 23:20
My son has these frequently. At first he loses the sight in one eye then it comes back as zig zag lines then goes away after about 20 minutes with no pain! He has ended up in A & E and no one is concerned x

04-06-12, 17:27
Ugh my poor husband gets such bad migraines. He gets them more frequent and worse during major weather fluxuations spring / fall. Anyway.. his start with neck pain or stiffness, then his usual ones are on the right side of his head. occasionally he will get them on the left, and they will completely take him out. dizzy, cant walk, sick to stomach. Thankfully these dont happen nearly as much.

WELL speaking of auroras.. 2 weeks ago he had a bad right side one and all of a sudden started stuttering! it lasted about 2-3 hours. went to the emergency room just to get scans quick. when I got there he woke up and all was gone. the migraine and speech issue. Well he got a scan and all was clear. He is now going to go to a neurologist to see if he has whta is called Basilar migraines? I guess it comes from some artery in your neck or head and frequently has crazy aroras. they are treated differently than regular migraines so they want to see if that is what he has... :/

As of now he does not take any meds. He tried topamax but got kidney stones and was done with that quick! Im curious aout those medicines you take.. are the preventative?