View Full Version : Dry eyes and mouth seen eye doctor

22-05-12, 15:52
This is an update from all my post about my dry eyes and mouth.

I saw a eye specialist yesterday who told me I need a referral to a rheumatologist for my eye condition as they are very dry. He was so amazing he gave me so much reassurance as I was in bits crying with frustration because of my eyes.

He did think it was something to do with my body which was causing my very distressing symptoms. He also asked for me to be referred to a cornea specialist.

I am so scared and distressed I don't know what's happening to my body. I'm upset because the doctors are not helping me enough. Ive taken the citalophtam prescribed to me last year because I'm so desperate and cannot bear any bad news about my health.

As a health anxiety sufferer this is my worst nightmare coming true and there is nothing I can do.

I never knew what autoimmune was until now and cannot bear to read about the consequence of this disease.

Can somebody please tell me or reassure me about this.


22-05-12, 15:58
did he not treat your dry eye or at lease tell you what to do to alleviate dryness?