View Full Version : Sighing alot ( should of added to post i posted below sorry)

22-05-12, 16:27
does anyone else sigh alot? feel like you are always sighing to get the air u need type thing, and if not sighing then yawning one after another? Is it possible to actually change the way u breathe.. and forget how u breathe properly? i really feel i have messed up how i naturally breathe and now i dont know how to. When i get breathless i try and stop it, but then when i try going with the flow i panic and feel the need to call 999.
Im short of breathe all the time so im always either yawning or sighing or getting deep breathes, this is for most of the time thru the day EVERY day! and i dont breathe from my stomach.. i breathe from my chest and fast.

22-05-12, 19:40
Practice makes perfect. Do the 7/11 breathing exercises two or three times daily for three minutes at a time. In through the nose counting to 7, pause, out through pursed lips counting to 11. Don't try to sneak in extra quick breaths. You don't need to take time out to do the breathing exercises. You can do it while you are out and about, in the checkout queue or as you are walking or driving.

With practice it will become automatic and unconscious. As my CBT therapist said, "correct breathing should become the habit and worrying the chore, not the other way round!"