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View Full Version : Hot Weather and Anxiety

22-05-12, 19:19
How do you guys feel in hot weather? I generally find that if I'm anxious or panicky I like to be able to cool down. I like to open a window, take off a jumper, put on a fan, or go outside. However when it is over about 20c these things don't work really.

I spent today feeling uncomfortably warm and it was cooler inside than out. Driving with 2 windows down was good. Hopefully I will acclimatize soon as it is going to be warm for a while now. :weep:

I hope it rains soon.

Mr Brownstone
22-05-12, 19:50
Im worse in hot rooms if i cant get out, like at a meeting or something, or a pub. I know how you feel.

blue moon
22-05-12, 23:57
I get very flustered in hot weather,it winter here but still humid,rain only make it worse.
Petra x

23-05-12, 00:30
A few years ago I had this problem...it was the change in season.

I was so use to it getting dark at a certain time and it being so cold..
Just try to stay cool and distract yourself or tell yourself to enjoy the sun..Go for walks?

23-05-12, 00:34
Sunshine is good for my mood. Just wear appropriate clothing and use factor 30+if exposed for more than 20 minutes or so. Vitamin D from the sun is good for your well-being.

23-05-12, 00:59
hi.. jules147 is so right..bout vit D from sun, my bloods revealed i very dificient in vit D take 2 strong tablets month.

Anyway back to orig post-i love the rain, love it when its raining, somehow i feel safer??? i feel safe in my home but have fear ppl knocking on door i think i think if its raining ppl less likely to be out etc??:unsure::shrug:..
I hate the hot sunny weather, yes it givews me nice feeling but also feel more anxiety, sweaty which increases my anxiety, i feel i can hide in the rain.. x

23-05-12, 01:28
Rain, low temperatures and dark clouds are bad for my mood. After nearly 7 weeks of such weather my mood was sinking; no birds singing, no fragrant smells of spring, no sinshine or warmth I was beginning to get burning feet again and tingling. A touch of 7/11 breathing and swapping dark thoughts for lighter ones have prevented a relapse but the arrival of settled weather for me hasn't come too soon.

If it is bright and warm outside, put your shorts on as I did today, go for a walk, breathe in the spring air and celebrate being alive!

Rain is good for leaky water companies but it is no good to me.

23-05-12, 04:50
Spray bottle and a fan are what I use to keep cool in humid weather ,I do not like winter much so I do not complain.:)

23-05-12, 05:52
I get anxious when I start to feel too hot :( I just can't seem to handle the heat and even the cold compared to most people!

When it's too hot, I freeze a bottle of water, so I have something iced cold to press against my neck and to sip when it melts. It does last a good few hours!

Then Boots used to face spray for hot flashes lol. It was cool water in a spray can, they also did these cooling wipes that were sooo nice.
Not seen these products this year but I did see they are doing a spray for summer now.
It's basically water in a pressurized can than feels lovely and cool to spray on your skin.

Taking your socks off really makes a difference when you are too warm.

Then things like mints can help if the rooms feels too stuffy for you :)

23-05-12, 07:16
Ive posted about this yesterday in another thread....yes I struggle a lot in this weather. Im fighting agorophobia at the moment and am trying to go out on my own for half hour. It was so hot yesterday I felt like I was going to faint. I also wore factor 30 and still got a little burnt which causes me so much anxiety as I think im going to get sun stroke. Some great ideas here though Im going to put a water bottle in my freezer now and get a fan and some of that cooling spary. Wish I was one of those people that could just walk/lay in the sun without worrying !

23-05-12, 07:50
Reason I don't like this weather, seeing women wearing less which makes me feel even more sexually frustrated.

23-05-12, 10:41
I get that too. My sister gets panic attacks when it's warm. It's annoying in work

23-05-12, 19:50
I don't know. I really love the sun, and want to live somewhere where we get longer summers. I get more affected by the constant greyness and rain here in the uk. I love to be able to walk in the sun or just sit outside and soak up rays :D

I know what you mean about heat triggering panic, although I find that I get more panicky in a stuffy overheated room in the winter than I do outside in the sun in the summer. Does that make sense?

23-05-12, 21:46
I have been panicky all day, just felt like I could not breathe, still feel like it now, it's the humidity that gets to me the most, having said that, It's a million percent better than the depressing long drawn out winters that we have in the UK.

23-05-12, 22:08
I complain more than most when it's bad weather 95% of the year! however, when it comes to hot weather, i really can't handle it. I put that down to not being used to it. I lived in a hot climate for a while and got used to the heat where it didnt bother me too much, but now i'm used to the cold again. Today, though, was intense heat when i went for a walk and had a panic attack. I love the hot weather, but my anxiety doesnt

24-05-12, 12:54
I absolutely hate the heat! The sweat and sunburns are downright uncomfortable! I simply do not go outside, unless it is for, like, two seconds to get to the car. The same principle applies to cold weather, in which I can only be out for no more than a minute.

The best way to deal with these types of weather is to simply avoid them. As contradictory as it sounds it is the best way to stay happy, and thus prevent anxiety.

25-05-12, 12:14
I too don't like being overheated, menopausal hot flushes are worse, really the heat is as extreme as the cold, yet the populus seem to insist that we should be jolly and welcome it!

Be happy, strike up the barbeque, get your pasty old legs out on show, hang round outside the pub getting drunk, hey hey its summer.


pah humbug

under a parasol, in the shade, or in the darkened bedroom with a fan, thats where you will find me, waiting for the beautiful misty and cool autumn to close in on us!!

have a nice day
love ruby

25-05-12, 13:22
I like a bit of sun, but the heat recently has been unbarable. I can hardly sleep or eat with it and feel sick constantly! I'm trying to fight agoraphobia but most people seem to love being out in it, making the streets and town busier, making it harder for me to deal with... on top of feeling worse anyway. :weep:

25-05-12, 17:26
I like the heat cause I like bbq's however other than that I am not keen on due to my having Lymphoedema and need to keep myself covered up phew what a sweat lol
Also being on Warfarin to thin the blood doesn't help.
I feel for any lady pregnant in this heat cause the heat feels twice as hot.

Turn things around a bit does anyone get anxious or panicky when it's cold ?

26-05-12, 21:36
I hate hot weather, but it's ok if there's a steady breeze.

26-05-12, 23:02
I love the sunshine and warmth - but not toooo hot, and not if I have to do anything!! I get anxious about burning too, I burn so easily :( I'm going to Greece in June and worried I'm going to struggle. I used to be a lot more tolerant of hot weather before I got anxious, I think it just makes me feel that I can't breathe, and I end up feeling a bit claustrophobic (yes, even outside!) Lovely gentle breeze, and sat in the shade is a winner though. Hoping I've made enough of a recovery to survive two weeks in the heat - i think i'm the only person going on holiday secretly hoping it might rain for a day or two!!

27-05-12, 20:04
Finding it very difficult to cope with seeing women wearing not much, the intrusive thoughts are much worse, ok so its just sex thoughts but I feel like a complete pervert for thinking these thoughts.