View Full Version : sunday adventure!!!!

10-07-06, 15:37
ok how do i start let me get it out my system first wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo
omg omg omg i did it....[8D]:D[8)]

ok here goes i traveled to walse yesturday and it was about 2 and a half hours to get there took us 3 hours or more due to the car wheel needing air and had somethink to eat (oh yes i eat in a service station) i keept getting anxoius and thinking why did i do this but i sat in the car talking to my sis and bro in law and i controlled it i just thougth i am going to feel anxious no matter what so i am still going to do the things i want well try...
we got there at conwy and decided to go to penmaenawrs i use to go there as a child my uncle use to live there it was lovely to reminise with my sister and act like a 6yr old again running on the pebbles (lol) kept my trainers on and stood on the wave breaker on the big round bit and shouted im on top of the world (all you who know me could imagine me doing the crazy stuff lol)
after i had my 6 yr old time we went to besty-coed and meet my mom and dad there my dads face lite up when he saw me and my moms they were so proud made me feel good glade they realiseing how hard it has been for me..
comeing back i was so tired but i couldnt sleep in the car i just kept thinking omg i have just been to wales ..
we hit traffic wich is not my best thing but i was fine anxious could swallow but i stayed calm and it passed with in 5 mins..

i had my first ad bag lol with diazepan in for big emergencys as i dnt take meds and not used diazepan for 6 months and had calm drops and my calming roller to put on my pulse it relaxes you and really good :D

and i didnt use any of them but today i am so tired mite be because i went to pud last nite i thougth why stop there lol..:) oh and no signal to fone anyone most of the day i cnt belive how well i did and coped [Wow!]

well my group sessions start soon i am on the up i hope we can and will beat this with time and support
if you got this far well done and am suprised you not fallen asleep lol

as much as i am proud of myself only thing that gets me down is not walking on my own yet but i will do it... thankyou for reading

lots of love and hugs
emily xxxxxxxxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

10-07-06, 15:49
Hi Emmy,

Your a star hun do ye know that. I'm so pleased and proud of you. Good on ye grl.



emma chant
10-07-06, 15:52
Hi Emmy,
I'm really happy 4 you.
Big hug.

e chant

10-07-06, 16:58
Well done Emmy

Take care



10-07-06, 18:21
very proud of you emmy....
i am happy you enjoyed your day and like me ended up at the pub.....lol
keep your head up babe.....
love you loads.....xxxxx

10-07-06, 22:05
Hi Em,

Wow, great job, you did fantastic. So proud of what you have accomplished and I know you will walk on your own.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

11-07-06, 14:20
thankyou all for being so supportive and being there for me...

will let you know how my next adventure goes as i got to go to group therapy hope i dnt have to wait long if anyone has ever been to a group thing i would operciate any advice on it

emily xxxxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

11-07-06, 16:31

Well done mate. Pleased for you. Keep up the good work.

x x

11-07-06, 18:02

Next journey Portsmouth eh lol


Loads of love

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-07-06, 21:52
oh yes next stop portsmouth but do you think it is ready for the both of us lol

nmp cant cope sometimes lol

emily xxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

11-07-06, 21:57
Wow Emmy

What a lovely post.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">after i had my 6 yr old time we went to besty-coed and meet my mom and dad there my dads face lite up when he saw me and my moms they were so proud made me feel good glade they realiseing how hard it has been for me..</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Oh wow - that brought a lump to my throat. I bet it was a special moment for you all.

You did so well and we are all proud of you[Wow!]


11-07-06, 22:51
Thats such a lovely post Emmy !

You have done realy well !:D

I am realy pleased for you!

Well Done



12-07-06, 10:35
Well Done Hun,

That's Great news.

Take care,

Love Pip's X X

12-07-06, 11:45
Well Done You !!!!!!
I am so pleased for you it also brought a lump to my throat about you seeing how proud your mum was and your dads face light up.Keep up the good work....
take care cheryl xx

12-07-06, 13:03
thankyou all so much for your lovely replys it means so much and you were right i did feel a bit tearfull at that and i had a lump in my throat am just pleased they realise how it can effect me now...

my sis gave me a huge hug when they droped me off and my bro in law (daz) said go and rest you need it lol

its lovely when i read the replys you make me realise why i am batteling it i have been so lucky haveing a best friend like i do and all the help i got off here and the new family i have adopted and friends i have made..

big hugs for you all emily xxxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

12-07-06, 16:14
wel done girl so proud of ya xxxxx

Granny Primark
12-07-06, 16:21
Emmy me mate,

What a lovely inspirational story. Im so very pleased for you.
Right if you can do it so can I.Weve got friends whove got a caravan in north wales but ive kept putting off going there.

Im going wigan tomorrow to visit friends. Il think about you emmy and take a first aid bag with my kalms, rescue spray and brown paper bag.

Lots of love you to emmy,
Keep it up

Take care

12-07-06, 16:25
you got for it lynn i know you can do it and haveing a lil first aid bag helps even thou i didnt use any of them i knew they was there any time i wanted them.....

and thankyou mazz it has been lovely to read all these replys it helps me lots and it brilliant to know everyone is same and we have to do these things so othere people will see we can and will get better....

i dnt look at my self as an inspiration i am just so pleased i can help others and in any way i can

emily xxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

17-07-06, 16:37
well wot can i say!!!
well done me chick!! I am sooooooooooo proud of u!!!!!
Ur on the way me love- but next time get ur arse down to south wales and visit me!!! lol