View Full Version : Hormones or just life????

23-05-12, 09:56
Hi Just wondering if anyone can help.....I have been suffering really bad anxiety since having surgery in may last year. Have had lots of stressfull events in my life but have always coped really well....(untill this last year). I have also had the mirena coil fitted almost 2 years ago, have been reading up on this and discovered lots of people have anxiety with this coil, Have been putting all my problems down to just going through too much stress during the last 20 years....but could it be something as simple as hormones????

23-05-12, 10:10
Hi Karen, I don't have any answers just to say that I can relate. I had surgery in 2008 and though I had had some anxiety already I was able to cope with it but after the surgery I had my first full blown panic attack. I have always thought it was hormones too but no one listens. I had a myomectomy (fibriods). What surgery did you have? I hope someone with some answers replies as I would love to hear what they have to say.


23-05-12, 11:05
Thanks for answering Had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst and ovary (still have one ovary) woke up from the anasthetic shaking and dont seem to have stopped since........
Never had any anxiety symptoms before!!! But have been a complete wreck the the best part of a year now!

25-05-12, 04:22
Hi Just wondering if anyone can help.....I have been suffering really bad anxiety since having surgery in may last year. Have had lots of stressfull events in my life but have always coped really well....(untill this last year). I have also had the mirena coil fitted almost 2 years ago, have been reading up on this and discovered lots of people have anxiety with this coil, Have been putting all my problems down to just going through too much stress during the last 20 years....but could it be something as simple as hormones????

Sometimes its the hormones, hmmm but you can try changing your lifestyle like eating healthy foods and do exercise regularly.

25-05-12, 07:21
My partner just had a coil fitted but opted for the regular one as she was also warned of the side effects. The easiest thing to do would be to have it removed give your body a few months to re-stabilise and see what happens, if it settles down then you could seek alternative contraception if not then you can have it re-fitted and talk to your doctor about alternative treatments.

All the best,

25-05-12, 14:42
Hi, I don't know anything about the coil I'm afraid but I know the hormones, especially progesterone, in things like that can definitely cause problems as a close friend recently had to stop using all hormonal contraceptives (she tried different types) because it was making her depression and anxiety a huge amount worse...she's now much better and is having a non-hormonal IUD of some sort fitted soon, i'm not sure what its called but its copper or something? Not sure if that helps but thought I'd post in case:) Maybe talk to your doctor about itxxx

25-05-12, 19:06
Thanx have a GP on Tuesday morning. A friend who is a nurse checked her drugs book for me yesterday and sure enough side effects include depression, panic attacks and anxiety!!!! Really hope this is the answer....can't wait to have this thing removed now.